I find this ironic in the extreme.
I'm sure most of you know this story, but...
Back at the height of the Civil Rights movement, there were a group of folks known as "freedom riders". Mostly younger folks who had a strong belief that racial injustice was wrong. Some of them headed down to Mississippi and ran afoul of the Klan and were killed. There was big federal investigation at the Kennedy's (both liberal Democrats) insistance that lead to the trial of those responsible. Since murder is a state crime and not a federal crime, they were tried in a Mississippi court and found not guilty. The feds stepped in and created a new way to try those guys, under the heading that the dead folks civil rights had been violated. As that was a federal issue, they were tried in a federal court and justifiably convicted.
So what are "Civil Rights"?
In short, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Now, bear with a very quick, lightweight history lesson. The founders knew the importance of those rights and knew the dangers government posed to those same rights. Therefore our first national government was a confederation, not a federal government. Problem was it didnt work well. So they made the Constitution a few years later, but were flatly told by several of the states that it would not fly without those same civil liberties being protected. So they hashed out the Bill of Rights, attached it to the proposal for the Constituion, the various States agreed and viola, we became a federal republic.
Fast forward back to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. A host of new laws, largely spearheaded by Democrats, ostensibly to protect the common man and set us all "equal under the law".
Now fast forward to today. We have that same party, the Democrats, threatening those self same civil rights-openly and brazenly. Abridgement to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and the freedom to protect yourself and others. And if you don't agree, you're no longer equal under the law in our current cancel culture. It looks like those Democrats have conviently forgotten the rights thay once championed. See the irony?
I imagine if the founders saw what they created they'd hold their heads in shame. Hopefully they would call for reform. Perhaps they'd call for revolution again. Afterall, they revolted over essentially what amounted to a 2 percent tax rate, enforced by British troops.
And now we have federal troops "guarding" the capitol, against its own citizens. The parallels are frightening.
It is my feverent hope that the moderates up in the national cesspool, er capitol, pull their heads out of their collective nether regions and reign in the idiots currently in control. I don't have a lot of faith in that, and thats the saddest part of it.
I'll just add this. Back in the Revoltionary War, one of the catchphrases that could be found on some of the rebels flags was "An Appeal to Heaven". If you're the praying type, I believe an appeal to heaven for some sort of common sense to break out is desperately needed.