I already made a comment on this thread but after all the other comments, I feel that I must make another comment. Talk to your family Doctor and see what he/she says. I talked at length to mine and he said that if he hadn't had 2 patients catch it he would think the whole thing was BS. He has to force us to wear a mask when we go to his office because of PRESSURE FROM ABOVE(Medical Board and the State Health Dept). I get it. He has to play along if he wants to keep being a Doctor. I don't wear a mask and since me and my wife both Smoke, we're supposed to be immune to it. I'd like to play along and be the guinea pig but if I can't catch it, then I can't carry it around and give it to everybody. With all that said, I do use hand sanitizer because I might pick the germs up on my hands and pass it to somebody else when I shake hands. All the arguing over the damn Virus is exactly what the powers that be want. They want us off balance and divided and they're damn well getting it.