A Catholic hospital in Italy said we will fly him here and treat him, no charge to parents. Italian govt had declared him an Italian citizen. It was 2 hours by plane to get to the Italian hospital.
Father was interested in pursuing a murder charge against the hosp and docs. I heard Italy was interested in pursuing something along those lines in the international court system over there. I could not find a link for that tonight.
The British medical system is not something I would want to deal with in any manner.
I fully understand you sentiments on this one.
As I said before this whole case was messed up big time.
What I do however wish to provide personal insight to is the quality of care I and my family has experienced over the last 15yrs.
While the NHS is not perfect. I can get a same day appointment with the doctor on any day in my local village. I can receive on the same day a prescription that I can take to a pharmacy that is in walking distance from my local doctors office and get the prescription fulfilled as I wait. I can get all of my meds fulfilled at a rate of £8 or $11 for the lot.
If I am referred to higher treatment. I will receive an appointment at the hospital that will be within two weeks.
If I have a problem at home that requires an ambulance. They will show up at my home within 10 to 20 minutes and if required will take me to the hospital in the same amount of return time. all of this is at no cost to me.
If I was in a serious accident or in need of airlift. The helo would come and get me and take me to medical care at the princely sum of £0.
So as I wish to communicate.
We have apples and oranges in comparison.
Yet I will not complain about the care we have recieved.