Author Topic: IMF Admits Yuan to Premier Status - US Dollar Devalued  (Read 632 times)

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IMF Admits Yuan to Premier Status - US Dollar Devalued
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:01:28 AM »
Well it has happened. The IMF has elevated the Yuan to the Dollar level.

China's yuan has just won promotion to the premier league of global currencies.

The International Monetary Fund on Monday approved the yuan for inclusion in its elite basket of reserve currencies in what amounts to a major vote of confidence in Beijing's economic reforms.

This move further weakens the Dollar globally.

On another note: This is one of the last steps before we move towards a global Central Bank. Move over Federal Reserve, you are going to be usurped by elitists in Brussels. When that happens we will move towards a cashless society with the dollar being further devalued. Can you say, "Bail In?"

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