Where's the stance from gun owners in Colorado, Maryland, Connecticut, etc.? Different states are getting gun laws pushed through. Sure, these states are more liberal than some, but I'm worried that little by little, more states might just keep seeing this happen, with no resistance. They might think, well people may bitch for a while, but passing these new laws didn't really have much response, so why not. I'm not sure what needs to happen right now, but it just seems there should be more of an outrage. Not just from gun owners in these states, but from all over the country. Some states have taken measures to resist any new laws, and that's great. But a couple of states letting this happen, is still the government getting their foot in the door. How much resistance, and of what type, at what point, is the question. But it seems the reactions so far, should have been more than mere fodder for small talk around the water cooler.