Their being dead doesn't matter. Today's Democrat party keeps blaming today's Republican party for past Democrat misdeeds. You seem to be taking it personally and I did not mean it to be and I certainly do not want to get into a pissing match which this seems to be heading.
Maybe their history is off if they are claiming the Republican party to really have been in the Democratic parties place on some issue, I don't think that's what you're claiming though. I think you are swinging at some vague democratic smear of Republicans as being racist. If that is the case, you'd need to use current examples if referring to current party members.
I'm not taking it personally at all. I don't have a personal stake in the argument. I'm merely voicing my distaste for irrational arguments which do nothing but perpetuate lowest common denominator political practices based around tribalism.
What could possibly be gained with this post? You're lost in political gang wars. You picked a side at some point and from that generic position, you now look down on anyone not in your tribe.
If you want to talk actual hypocrisy, how do the pro-Statism(left and right) groups, reconcile the fact that they denounce theft while simultaneously supporting taxation?