Author Topic: H.R.127 Firearm Licensing & Registration Act- Now We Know Why The NG Is In D.C.  (Read 359 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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H.R.127 Firearm Licensing & Registration Act- Now We Know Why The NG Is In D.C.

Well it is new gun registration season in the U.S. Congress. Typically, I just yawn, report the new bill, then move on however, this one has me a bit worried. Especially, with the Senate being made up of 50/50 Democrats/ Republicans and the tie vote going to Vice President Harris.

Here is an excellent video done by Guns & Gadgets giving a 1,000-foot overview of the bill. It is well worth your time to watch and hopefully, pass along.

Now we all remember President Elect Biden saying that there would be no elimination of the filibuster in the Senate. And of course Sen. Manchin stated he would never vote to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate. But guess what, this bill and a whole host of others play to the elimination of the filibuster. Mmmmmm?

We all know that many, not all Democrats mind you, lie threw their teeth. With that written, and to be fair, there are at least a half a dozen Republican's that do likewise. Sen. Romney and Sen. Collins come immediately to mind. My point being the chances that this will make it through the US Legislator and then onto President Biden's desk is better than a 50/50 chance.

I know some of you are saying, "well it is against the Constitution. It will be struck down by the Supreme Court". Don't bet your life on it folks.

As we all know Biden has put together a new commission with Bob Bauer as the chairman of this commission to look into expanding the Supreme Court. By the way, Bauer was Biden's campaign lawyer. Ahhh, the plot thickens. 

PJ Media - After Claiming He's 'Not a Fan,' Biden Forms a Commission to PACK the Supreme Court


Politico - Biden starts staffing a commission on Supreme Court reform

So, now we know why the National Guard is in Washington D.C. and Rep. Pelosi wants a medieval wall put up around the US Capital building.

We are nine days into the new regimes reign. Any Democrats out there starting to long for former President Trump's tweet's from the White House again? 

« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 12:56:59 PM by JohnyMac »
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