I agree-- way too early. But from the bunch out there, I would probably like Scott Walker best, then Rubio. Those 2 as the P/VP? Yeah I could do that well. Cruz, he would be down about 4 or 5 on the list but I could vote for him. Hell my wife would be better than HC. And my wife HATES politics. She watches the weather channel rather than any news channel. She is very happy with just the local 6:00 news
If I were elected or prime adviser to whoever, my thoughts:
I like Carly Fiorina but (not sexist or joking) she don't got the stones for the job. Her as head of Commerce cabinet dept or even EPA, yeah I could like that.
Ben Carson and Surgeon General, yeps, he is there.
DHS would end up doing no more than airport security as they were cut down to nothing more than an administrative correlation agency.
Alan Gottleib would be asked to do DOJ. FBI and ATF would be joined up, along with about all federal cop agencies into one. SocSec would not need their own cops or swat. VA would not either, along with about all those who have one.
Local police would not either. Many many county PDs or SOs would get their disassembled. Any equipment supplied would be recovered.
Forget this stuff, just make me king for one year. The would would be one helluvalot better place.