Author Topic: Global Elite Preparing New Korean War to Coincide with Economic Implosion?  (Read 417 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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I have been debating on where to post this opinion article and decided it demanded it's own subject line. I will copy and paste part of it and if you want to read more than click the link.

The Federal Reserve plan to crash the economy and make room for world government and an authoritarian globalist economic and accompanying police state control system will necessitate a sufficient prerequisite ? and that prerequisite may very well be a new war on the Korean peninsula.

It should be obvious by now that the Federal Reserve?s so-called quantitative easing ? bankster shorthand for pumping fiat dollars into rigged financial markets by buying bonds, treasury bills, etc. ? is creating a huge financial asset bubble that is going to burst with an ear-splitting boom? and soon...

We are all spending time trying to read the tea leaves in when the inevitable collapse happens and what will be the straw that starts the ball rolling. This article rolls out a theory that is no better or less than many theories I have read of late.

Bottom-line, we all know the collapse is coming. I think before November 2014. (Safe bet on my part). I know that many others think by as early as this fall.

We will see...
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Offline WhiteWolfReloaded

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I'm still sticking with 2013. We're only a few months in and they've been steeping those tea leaves for some time. You steep to long it ruins the tea. The main reason being is it's like they've been holding back the waters intentionally to build up more so that when they release it it'll be filled with all sorts of debris. Gun control, martial law, Monsanto foods, DHS MRAPS and bullets, FEMA purchases, Cops running out of ammo, ammo shortage nation wide, gun back orders, illegal immigrants crossing at twice the normal rate, amnesty bills, racial tension, NK, EU collapsing, bank runs in Europe, Russia China Brazil and Australia all dumping the dollar.......the list goes on and on. We're boned as a nation.

Offline Deathstyle

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How many times have we seen this same article though? Before Korea, it was Iran nuking Israel, Israel pre-emptively nuking Iran, Arab spring leading to WW3. 

Been reading Selco's blog and he mentions one of the most important things to have is the ability to recognize that SHTF has happened before anyone else realizes it and act quickly. Get the extra gear you need, get the hell outta of dodge, and get your group together. Trying to predict this stuff can get addicting but I think Selco's advice is the best to keep in mind.
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