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This is an actual court case that took place in The Great State ofGeorgia had a live stream to it...Please keep it clean and removeall email addresses before forwarding and use BCC please!Thursday, January 26, 2012OBAMA ELIGIBILITY COURT CASE?BLOW BY BLOWBy Craig Andresen on January 26, 2012 at 9:25 amGiven the testimony from today?s court case in Georgia, Obama has a lot ofexplaining to do. His attorney, Jablonski, was a NO SHOW as of course, wasObama.The following is a nutshell account of the proceedings.Promptly at 9am EST, all attorneys involved in the Obama Georgiaeligibility case were called to the Judge?s chambers. This was indeed avery interesting beginning to this long awaited and important case.The case revolved around the Natural Born clause of the Constitution andwhether or not Obama qualifies under it to serve. More to the point, iffound ineligible, Obama?s name would not appear on the 2012 ballot inGeorgia.With the small courtroom crowded, several in attendance could be seenfanning themselves with pamphlets as they waited for the return of theattorneys and the appearance of the judge.Obama himself, who had been subpoenaed to appear, of course was nowherenear Georgia. Instead, Obama was on a campaign swing appearing in Las Vegasand in Colorado ignoring the court in Georgia.Over the last several weeks, Obama?s attorney, Michael Jablonski, hadattempted several tactics to keep this case from moving forward. He firsttried to have it dismissed, then argued that it was irrelevant to Obama.After that, Jablonski argued that a state could not, under the law,determine who would or would not be on a ballot and later, that Obama wassimply too busy with the duties of office to appear.After all these arguments were dispatched by the Georgia Court, Jablonski,in desperation, wrote to the Georgia Secretary of State attempting to placeObama above the law and declared that the case was not to he heard andneither he nor his client would participate.Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, fired back a letter hours later tellingJablonski he was free to abandon the case and not participate but that hewould do so at his and his clients peril.Game on.5 minutes.10 minutes.15 minutes with the attorneys in the judge?s chambers.20 minutes.It appears Jablonski is not in attendance as the attorneys return, all goto the plaintiff table 24 minutes after meeting in the judge?s chambers.Has Obama?s attorney made good on his stated threat not to participate? Ishe directly ignoring the court?s subpoena? Is he placing Obama above thelaw? It seems so. Were you or I subpoenaed to appear in court, would we orour attorney be allowed such action or, non action?Certainly not.Court is called to order.Obama?s birth certificate is entered into evidence.Obama?s father?s place of birth, Kenya East Africa is entered intoevidence.Pages 214 and 215 from Obama?s book, ?Dreams from My Father? entered intoevidence. Highlighted. This is where Obama indicates that, in 1966 or 1967that his father?s history is mentioned. It states that his father?spassport had been revoked and he was unable to leave Kenya.Immigration Services documents entered into evidence regarding Obama Sr.June 27th, 1962, is the date on those documents. Obama?s father?s statusshown as a non citizen of the United States. Documents were gotten throughthe Freedom of Information Act.Testimony regarding the definition of Natural Born Citizen is given citingMinor vs Happersett opinion from a Supreme Court written opinion from 1875.The attorney points out the difference between ?citizen? and ?Natural BornCitizen? using charts and copies of the Minor vs Happersett opinion.It is also pointed out that the 14th Amendment does not alter thedefinition or supersede the meaning of Natural Born. It is pointed out thatlower court rulings do not conflict with the Supreme Court opinion nor dothey over rule the Supreme Court Minor vs Happersett opinion.The point is, to be a natural born citizen, one must have 2 parents who, atthe time of the birth in question, be citizens of the United States. AsObama?s father was not a citizen, the argument is that Obama,constitutionally, is ineligible to serve as President.Judge notes that as Obama nor his attorney is present, action will be takenaccordingly.Carl Swinson takes the stand.Testimony is presented that the SOS has agreed to hear this case, lawsapplicable, and that the DNC of Georgia will be on the ballot and thechallenge to it by Swinson.2nd witness, a Mr. Powell, takes the stand and presents testimony regardingdocuments of challenge to Obama?s appearance on the Georgia ballot and hiscandidacy.Court records of Obama?s mother and father entered into evidence.Official certificate of nomination of Obama entered into evidence.RNC certificate of nomination entered into evidence.DNC language does NOT include language stating Obama is Qualified while theRNC document DOES. This shows a direct difference trying to establish thatthe DNC MAY possibly have known that Obama was not qualified.Jablonski letter to Kemp yesterday entered into evidence showing theirdesire that these proceedings not take place and that they would notparticipate.Dreams From My Father entered.Mr. Allen from Tuscon AZ sworn in.Disc received from Immigration and Naturalization Service entered intoevidence. This disc contains information regarding the status of Obama?sfather received through the Freedom of Information Act.This information states clearly that Obama?s father was NEVER a U.S.Citizen.At this point, the judge takes a recess.The judge returns.David Farrar takes the stand.Evidence showing Obama?s book of records listing his nationality asIndoneasan. Deemed not relevant by the judge.Orly Taitz calls 2nd witness. Mr. Strump.Enters into evidence a portion of letter received from attorney showing arenewal form from Obama?s mother for her passport listing Obama?s last namesomething other than Obama.State Licensed PI takes the stand.She was hired to look into Obama?s background and found a Social Securitynumber for him from 1979. Professional opinion given that this number wasfraudulent. The number used or attached to Obama in 1979, shows that Obamawas born in the 1890. This shows that the number was originally assigned tosomeone else who was indeed born in 1890 and should never have been used byObama.Same SS number came up with addresses in IL, D.C. and MA.Next witness takes the stand.This witness is an expert in information technology and photo shop. Hetestifies that the birth certificate Obama provided to the public islayered, multiple layered. This, he testifies, indicates that differentparts of the certificate have been lifted from more than one originaldocument.Linda Jordan takes the stand.Document entered regarding SS number assigned to Obama. SS number is notverified under E Verify. It comes back as suspected fraudulent. This is thesystem by which the Government verifies ones citizenship.Next witness.Mr. Gogt.Expert in document imaging and scanners for 18 years.Mr. Gogt testifies that the birth certificate, posted online by Obama, issuspicious. States white lines around all the type face is caused by?unsharp mask? in Photoshop. Testifies that any document showing this, isconsidered to be a fraud.States this is a product of layering.Mr. Gogt testifies that a straight scan of an original document would notshow such layering.Also testifies that the date stamps shown on Obama documents should not bein exact same place on various documents as they are hand stamped. Obama?sdocuments are all even, straight and exactly the same indicating they wereNOT hand stamped by layered into the document by computer.Next witness, Mr. Sampson a former police officer and former immigrationofficer specializing in immigration fraud.Ran Obama?s SS number through database and found that the number was issuedto Obama in 1977 in the state of MA. Obama never resided in MA. At the timeof issue, Obama was living in Hawaii.Serial number on birth certificate is out of sequence with others issued atthat hospital. Also certification is different than others and differentthan twins born 24 hours ahead of Obama.Mr. Sampson also states that portion of documents regarding Mr. Sotoroe,who adopted Obama have been redacted which is highly unusual with regardsto immigration records.Suggests all records from Social Security, Immigration, Hawaii birthrecords be made available to see if there are criminal charges to be filedor not. Without them, nothing can be ruled out.Mr. Sampson indicates if Obama is shown not to be a citizen, he should bearrested and deported and until all records are released nobody can knowfor sure if he is or is not a U.S. Citizen.Taitz shows records for Barry Sotoro aka Barack Obama, showing he residesin Hawaii and in Indonesia at the same time.Taitz takes the stand herself.Testifies that records indicate Obama records have been altered and he ishiding his identity and citizenship.Taitz leave the stand to make her closing arguments.Taitz states that Obama should be found, because of the evidence presented,ineligible to serve as President.And with that, the judge closes the hearing.What can we take away from this?It?s interesting.Now, all of this has finally been entered OFFICIALLY into court records.One huge question is now more than ever before, unanswered.WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY?Without his attorney present, Obama?s identity, his Social Security number,his citizenship status, and his past are all OFFICIALLY in question.One thing to which there seems no doubt. He does NOT qualify, under thedefinition of Natural Born Citizen? provided by SCOTUS opinions, to beeligible to serve as President.What will the judge decide? That is yet to be known, but it seems nearlyimpossible to believe, without counter testimony or evidence, because Obamaand his attorney chose not to participate, that Obama will be allowed onthe Georgia ballot.It also opens the door for such cases pending or to be brought in otherstates as well.Obama is in it deep and the DNC has some?a LOT?of explaining to do unlessthey start looking for a new candidate for 2012.This was not widely covered by the news medias so it is up to us to spreadthe word. If you know folks in other states, please pass this on to them sothe citizens of our country will know what is happening.Sam