Author Topic: Gary Johnson deserves your vote  (Read 3407 times)

Offline crudos

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Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« on: May 13, 2012, 01:56:06 PM »
Reasons to vote for Gary Johnson:

- Balanced New Mexico's budget, and left the state with a suplus.
- Won two elections in a state that is primarily blue, as a Republican. NM has term limits, he was only able to have two terms as Governor.
- Cut taxes in NM, and didn't raise them once.
- Veto'd 750 bills in his time as Governor.
- Not a Washington insider, not beholden to the traditional power structures and lobbyists that have ruined America.
- Does not use fear to pit 'us vs. them' as a strategy to get your vote.
- The guy seems to be a very likable and forthcoming, yet has the steel to stand up against those who would enslave us further.

Granted, my list is not all that grand and I've been really struggling with this post as a pro-Gary Johnson endorsement. Maybe it's just the constant bombardment of campaigning that started since Obama took over. Been growing very weary, yet that is what the two-party system wants. People to be so tired and abused, that they end up voting out of fear, anger, and distrust. Well, I say fuck that. I'm voting for the vision of a better nation. While I like a lot of what Ron Paul stands for, and did vote for him this past primary, my vote in the 2012 campaign season is going to Gary Johnson. A genuine third party, libertarian candidate for President. I have to face that RP is trying to work within a very broken GOP, and it's only gotten worse and worse. I appreciate what RP has done, but he's has become just another cog in the GOP machine, albeit a very squeaky one. Time to go outside the Grand Old Party, that age is over with. Now is the right time to vote Libertarian and Gary Johnson is just the man to right the ship sinking from the dead weight of two party system. Check out some of GJ's Google+ chats he used pretty successfully in this modern social media age. In the past, the Libertarian's choices for President left a lot to be desired, but they have really hit a home run in getting Gary to run on their platform.

For years and years, I've despised politics as usual and the associated fear-mongering. I've voted for a wide-variety of candidates and parties since I was of age, and have gotten very good at sniffing out the bullshit usually associated with major Presidential campaigns. Being totally honest, I don't smell the usual stink with Gary Johnson's campaign. Is he perfect? No, but the perfect candidate is not out there, nor ever will be. We gotta end this two-party stalemate (notice emphasis on stale), right now is time to get behind a third party. I need all of my SP brothers and sisters to answer the call and join me on the line in the name of freedom this election cycle. You can check out Gary's campaign site in my signature and learn more about him and what he stands for. Thanks for reading this.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 04:03:26 PM »
Thanks for the post Crudos, Gary Johnson was a fine Governor and ran the state for 8 years with a firm hand.

From "Legacy"

In an interview in Reason magazine in January 2001, Johnson's accomplishments in office were described as follows: "no tax increases in six years, a major road building program, shifting Medicaid to managed care, constructing two new private prisons, canning 1,200 state employees, and vetoing a record number of bills."[24]
Andrew Sullivan quoted a claim that Johnson "is highly regarded in the state for his outstanding leadership during two terms as governor. He slashed the size of state government during his term and left the state with a large budget surplus."[38]
According to one New Mexico paper, "Johnson left the state fiscally solid," and was "arguably the most popular governor of the decade . . . leaving the state with a $1 billion budget surplus."[39] The Washington Times has reported that when Johnson left office, "the size of state government had been substantially reduced and New Mexico was enjoying a large budget surplus."[26]
According to a profile of Johnson in the National Review, "During his tenure, he vetoed more bills than the other 49 governors combined ? 750 in total, one third of which had been introduced by Republican legislators. Johnson also used his line-item-veto power thousands of times. He credits his heavy veto pen for eliminating New Mexico's budget deficit and cutting the growth rate of New Mexico's government in half."[40] Johnson has "said his numerous vetoes, only two of which were overridden, stemmed from his philosophy of looking at all things for their cost-benefit ratio and his axe fell on Republicans as well as Democrats."[21]

Gary Johnson is regular guy, he used to call the local rock station and give the fishing report and tips. You could find him on his bike riding unescorted up and down the mountain roads in Northern New Mexico on most weekends. Look him up, you'll like him.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 05:02:09 PM »
I would prefer Gary Johnson as president, he needs to keep at the grindstone as Ron Paul has for decades.  Gary Johnson should be running for Senate or Congress so his platform will become more noticed on a national stage.

The only problem I have, and maybe you can help me overcome it, is that I REALLY want Obama out of office.
I don't like everything about Romney either, but I certainly like him MUCH more than Obama.
So should libertarian/conservatives such as myself run the risk of "splitting the vote" potentially resulting in Obama for a second term?

Nobody wins by popular vote, NM only has 5 electoral votes.  As we know from recent history Bush vs. Gore (what a fiasco), the election can come down to a very narrow margin.

Like I said, I prefer Gary Johnson, but I would be sick to my stomach for 4 years if I gave Obama the election because I didn't vote for Romney.,_2000

Help a brother out!



I think the notion that Romney has a better shot against Obama is pure media BS. I'm certainly no professional statistician but when you add up all the blatant and obvious media bias, plus the repeated vote fraud in state after state after state, plus the fact that the actual delegate count shows the two running VERY close to each other. It's funny how the fraud always negatively effects Pauls numbers and not Romney.

I think ALOT of people are going to be shocked in Tampa. I could be wrong. Like I said, I'm no expert.

and as far as Johnson goes, put it this way, if it comes down to Romney vs. Barry, I'm voting Johnson. If it's Paul vs. Barry, I'm voting Paul. just my .02
I wasn't too impressed with him when he was still in the early debates. He seemed to harp on legalization so much that it made it seem like that was the core of his platform. I am for legalization, but that's not the most important issue of the day IMO.
Rome is burning, and Obama is playing the fiddle - GAP

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 05:29:22 PM »
I would prefer Gary Johnson as president, he needs to keep at the grindstone as Ron Paul has for decades.  Gary Johnson should be running for Senate or Congress so his platform will become more noticed on a national stage.

The only problem I have, and maybe you can help me overcome it, is that I REALLY want Obama out of office.
I don't like everything about Romney either, but I certainly like him MUCH more than Obama.
So should libertarian/conservatives such as myself run the risk of "splitting the vote" potentially resulting in Obama for a second term?

Nobody wins by popular vote, NM only has 5 electoral votes.  As we know from recent history Bush vs. Gore (what a fiasco), the election can come down to a very narrow margin.

Like I said, I prefer Gary Johnson, but I would be sick to my stomach for 4 years if I gave Obama the election because I didn't vote for Romney.,_2000

Help a brother out!



There is no splitting the vote with Johnson. That implies that there are only two choices, when there isn't. It's a matter of perspective in seeing what this nation could become with a strong third party or what it has become as we continue to prop-up the two party system. Too many people chicken-out on election day and vote with fear and loathing, instead of pride and conviction. Four years of Obama or four years of Romney, I can't see much difference between the two. The GOP has severely screwed us over with even allowing a disingenuous, upper-class twit to be in this position. I've played the game, and it sucks, so I'm changing my game, and going to let the GOP know they can pound sand. Live Free brothers and sisters.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 06:58:21 PM »
Once again I agree with Crudos, I don't see any difference between Romney and Berry.

"The GOP can go pound sand"

Offline EJR914

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2012, 11:16:20 PM »
Once again I agree with Crudos, I don't see any difference between Romney and Berry.

"The GOP can go pound sand"

Exactly!   [URL=

Offline crudos

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2012, 04:53:37 PM »

Offline thatGuy

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2012, 12:25:33 AM »
11.6% growth isn't anything to scoff at.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2012, 05:55:44 PM »

You're on the money.

Personally I couldn't think of a better endorsement then "Unionized Government Employes hate him." Seems like you got something worth working with once you get to that point!

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2012, 01:47:11 AM »

You're on the money.

Personally I couldn't think of a better endorsement then "Unionized Government Employes hate him." Seems like you got something worth working with once you get to that point!

Yes Sir!   [URL=

Offline crudos

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2012, 02:45:35 PM »
Gary Johnson internet townhall tonight with LNC Vice Chair Lee Wrights. May 22 at 6:00PM PT / 9:00PM ET.

Offline EJR914

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2012, 03:06:12 PM »
Gary Johnson internet townhall tonight with LNC Vice Chair Lee Wrights. May 22 at 6:00PM PT / 9:00PM ET.


Offline crudos

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2012, 10:30:05 PM »


May 31, 2012, Santa Fe, NM ? Libertarian presidential nominee and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson?s campaign has qualified for matching funds from the federal Presidential Election Campaign Fund. Johnson?s eligibility was announced by the Federal Election Commission Thursday.

Responding to the FEC announcement, Johnson said, ?The fact that our campaign has attracted the broad-based support required to qualify for matching funds is yet another clear indication that we are having a very real impact on this election. Poll after poll confirms that a great many Americans are not finding what they want in the limited choices presented by the two ?major? parties, and these matching funds will help us give those voters a real voice in November.?

To become eligible for matching funds, candidates must raise a threshold amount of $100,000 by collecting $5,000 in 20 different states in amounts no greater than $250 from any individual.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2012, 11:44:12 AM »
See Gary Johnson on the John Stewart Show tonight!!!!!

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2012, 02:50:52 PM »
Gary Johnson will be on the ballot in every state. Come on GJ, lets do this!

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2012, 03:27:24 PM »
As the doldrums of summer take hold, lets not give-in the outright lies of Romney and the complete ineptitude of fearless leader Obama. Gary Johnson is the way forward, your only pounding sand with the other two.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2012, 08:12:41 AM »
If we really voted on issues, and not personalities (or lack of one)....

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2012, 11:06:38 AM »
I'm voting for him, but I have no doubt in my mind that he has no real chance of winning this election.  America as a whole is completely still asleep.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2012, 12:27:37 PM »
Found this great comment about the fallacy of throwing your vote away....
Actually, the entire idea of ?throwing your vote away? is an idiotic idea circulated by Democrats and Republicans to keep people voting for one of the two old parties. Because of the Electoral College system, unless you live in a ?swing state,? it is impossible to have an effect. Even if you live in a ?swing state,? the idea that your vote will decide the election is absurd. No state ever has had its presidential electors decided by one vote. Calculating the odds of your affecting the outcome of the election requires the use of imaginary numbers. The odds of your vote deciding the election is somewhat less than your being killed by a crashing Russian spy satellite. Voting is a self-actualizing event. The point of voting is to affirm for yourself (and for those with whom you choose to tell) the policies you endorse. It means you can sleep nights serenely. But, in the end, no rational person can truly believe that their vote will decide the election. Accordingly, what?s odd and irrational is to vote for someone you do not endorse, thinking that doing so actually matters. It is that activity that is absurd, like other absurd ideas peddled by politicians. Ha!!! Vote for the person you endorse and the policies you endorse; that?s the ONLY way to build support over time for what you want and the only way to get what you want EVENTUALLY.

- by John Mills, in the comment section of this article...

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2012, 11:44:09 AM »
Weekly bump....

Last fall, GQ ran a profile of former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, then a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, under the headline "Is This the Sanest Man Running for President?" The piece noted that in 2003, Johnson scaled Mount Everest with a broken leg, and in 2005, broke his back paragliding off the highest mountain in Maui. "Sanest"? Well, maybe not.

But Johnson, now running on the Libertarian Party ticket, is certainly the most interesting candidate in the 2012 field -- and that's not an attempt to damn with faint praise.

Yesterday morning, I sat down with "Gov. Gary" to talk about what he hopes to achieve in this race.

The American electoral process almost guarantees third-party failure, says "Duverger's Law," coined by the French political scientist who pointed out that "The plurality (1 winner) voting system tends to lead to a two-party system."

But some of the main obstacles that third parties face are artificial, not structural. "The two old parties have gamed the system," Johnson charges. The Presidential Debates Commission, or CPD, the private group that serves as the gatekeeper for the nationally televised debates, imposes an arbitrary barrier of 15 percent support in three national polls before a candidate can be included. That rule, adopted in 2000, would have barred virtually every third-party candidate in American history. The fix is in, it seems.

Still, getting into the debates is one of Johnson's key goals, and he intends to "kick and claw and scrape" until he hits 15 percent or public pressure forces the CPD to lower the bar: "If I'm in the debate, then the world changes," he insists.

What about the "spoiler" charge -- or, as a Twitter follower of mine phrased it, "why does [Johnson] want four more years of Obama?"

He says he gets that a lot: "The implication of the question is that I'm gonna take votes away from all those ... anti-war, pro-gay marriage Republicans that are currently supporting Romney." Johnson admits that his candidacy hurts Romney in North Carolina, but insists, "I take more votes from Obama in New Mexico."

He's right: Last week the Public Policy Polling firm noted: "Interestingly [Johnson] hurts Obama a little bit more than Romney, pulling the President's lead down to 42-38."

Regardless, he adds, "to heck with all that -- you as a voter should vote your conscience," Johnson argued.

"Vote your conscience, not your fears" was a Ralph Nader slogan in 2000, for a Green Party presidential bid that earned Nader the enmity of liberals for allegedly helping deliver the presidency to George W. Bush.

How much you fear "spoiler" scenarios depends on how stark you consider the difference between 2012's major party standard-bearers. On Sunday, I spotted a minivan bumper sticker that read: "Jesus was a 'community organizer.' Pilate was a governor." Pretty stark!

But you could be forgiven if you don't see the difference between the technocrat who pioneered the individual mandate in Massachusetts and the one who took it federal as one of -- ahem -- Biblical proportions.

Meanwhile, Johnson is "the only candidate who doesn't want to bomb Iran. ... the only candidate who wants to repeal the Patriot Act."

And, as he made clear to me, the only candidate who's committed to abolishing specific agencies: the departments of Education and Homeland Security "for starters." As the final, catchall plank in the LP platform puts it, "Our silence about any other particular law, regulation ... [or] agency ... should not be construed to imply approval."

I don't know that "the world changes" if Johnson manages to claw his way into the debates. But the race would start to get interesting. And interesting is one thing that, right now, it's not.

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2012, 11:51:42 AM »
Gotta love

Offline crudos

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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2012, 12:34:53 PM »
At least GW had a certain charm to his bumbling. While Romney pretty much wins Upper Class Twit of the Year award during his visit to collect bribes from Barclays in the UK. Just say no to the GOP-minted Romney, and vote for Gary Johnson instead.


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Re: Gary Johnson deserves your vote
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2012, 01:37:04 AM »
Honestly I disagree with everything Gary Johnson Stands for! His foreign policy is SHIT I fought for this country in Granada to keep boys like you free. All them other countries hate us because we are free, and because we love Jesus! I call it spreading democracy and our god fearing ways, and if muhamad has a problem with it Jesus will kick his ass. Stay Frosty!