Author Topic: Frank & Fern Blog Article - A Must Read  (Read 1689 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Frank & Fern Blog Article - A Must Read
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:16:26 AM »
I am an avid reader of Frank & Fern's blog. The article below is there most recent offering. I normally would just copy & paste a part and let the forum member go to the site to read the remainder; however I felt it worthy enough to C&P the whole article for forum members who have poor bandwidth.

This post is a long one (~4,100 words) and I had to twist the IT guys to increase space for this article so please do not try and post something this large again unless you clear it with them. By the way, they like bribes in the form of adult beverages  ;)

I have inserted a few comments in bold some of my thoughts as inconsequential they may be.

Hi Folks, Frank and Fern here.

We have had some great comments recently and some people have mentioned how tired our work is making them. Not only is that humbling, it is motivating. You see the STARK REALITY of the situation is that the projects we are completing are not only exciting, but the impetus behind what we are doing, and the pace with which we are doing it, is because of the condition of our country. Our projects are aimed at living in a collapse situation. End of story. Could they be fun and give us something to do in case things don't collapse? Sure. We have long lived a homestead life style and wouldn't have it any other way. What is happening in our country that brings us to the conclusion that a collapse is not only probable, but inevitable? Frank has a short list that name just a few of the things that surround us everyday.

Our economy, which is interconnected with every other economy on the planet, is in a shambles. Terms like 'kick the can down the road' have now become common place when describing the lengths to which the Federal Reserve continues to go to prop up the giant bubble the economy and markets have become. The wild fluctuations of the stock market, which can cause it to sky rocket or nose dive, with a spoken sentence by select individuals, or the wisp of a rumor about a pending report, can be seen almost daily.

Keep your eye on the EU and USofA public companies third quarter earnings's. It does not look pretty.

The infrastructure in most municipalities are old and deteriorating. They were never meant to support the number of people now placing demands upon them, and there is no way they can be replaced. There just isn't the money to do so. Take our rural water lines, for example. They have been in the ground for decades and all need to be replaced. There is no way that will happen, it just isn't economically feasible. All they can afford to do is patch holes when they occur.

The picture of The Little Dutch Boy comes to mind.

Take a look at our electrical grid. It is aging, inadequate and vulnerable to hackers and espionage. Electricity as a supply line is crucial to the functioning of every modern convenience and luxury we enjoy everyday. Like this computer and the internet, your cell phone, refrigeration, air conditioning, manufacturing, the list could go on almost indefinitely. Read about long distance electricity transportation, what it takes, how it is accomplished and how fragile the system is, not to mention how much is lost in the process of transmission. Our local electric cooperative seems to be in pretty good shape, but it depends on the larger grid for it's supply of power.

Let's take another facet of society. Welfare. This is one of the most insidious means our government has used to enslave millions of people. If women enter the welfare system, they are paid to remain out of the workforce, stay home and have babies. They can't get married and have a husband, or they lose their benefits. So they have more babies to get more benefits, the only way they can get a raise. This thing is never going to stop, it can't. How can a woman get married and lose benefits when they can't afford to live?

Pure n' simple, welfare is slavery but with fur lined shackles.

Then there are people that refuse to work, have never worked and never intend to work. These are some of the folks that I have heard described as the ones that breed like rabbits. They don't work, they don't learn, they don't provide any type of intellectual stimulation for their children, and don't appear to have any motivation to do any better in life. Stupid breeds stupid, and there are too many of them that sit on their butts, stare at the television or their cell phones, and demand others provide everything they ever wanted, even though the people paying the bills can't live anywhere near the life style these folks can, because they can't afford it.

Through-out the history of man, there has been "lay a-bouts".

Another result of the welfare system and the intellectual impact of children raised in that environment for the last few decades, is the dramatic reduction in the standard of education. One hand is lowering the standard, the other hand is raising it, like in Common Core and No Cow Left Behind or NCLB. They are both huge frauds conducted with the knowledge of state and federal government and a horrendous joke. They both amount to the mind control of our young people, a movement which TV and our government has embraced. Thanks to the current government indoctrination system we now have kids that are pro sexual perversion and liberal environmentalists that respond subliminally like robots to government controls via society and television. The worldwide global warming fascists have also been indoctrinating our children to march lock step to the requirements of their agenda for decades. Now these children are 30 years old and have become puppets of an indoctrinating government.

What ever happened to the Constitution, the1st Amendment, freedom of speech, the 2nd Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms? Life in our country has become THE GOVERNMENT VS. WE THE PEOPLE. Why is that okay? Why aren't the politicians up in arms refusing to implement unlawful regulations against WE THE PEOPLE? What happened to serving the people instead of enslaving them? The 1st Amendment is all but gone in this country. There are so many regulations now that freedom of speech is being suppressed in an unprecedented way, and it's against the law to disagree with the Nazi control agenda.

Take an hour this week and read the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Have we wondered off the trail that our founding fathers blazed? 

Let's talk about a few examples. I have the freedom to say that I don't mind being around people of color, but I can no longer say I don't like being around radical people of color. I can no longer use the words that use to be common to describe radical people of color because now it is a hate crime. Why is it that if a white person threatens a person of color, they go to jail, but if a person of color threatens a white person it's their right? And what is a hate crime? You can't say mean words? Not too many years ago little boys were taught, if somebody called their mommy a bad name, it was okay to hit the other kid. Now kids are taught to go tell the teacher, just like FEMA, if you see something, say something. Back to that little boy. What happened to defending your mother, or your wife, or your country, or the person that called your mommy a bad name? It's a hate crime, and the school calls the sheriff and has that child arrested for a hate crime. If your child hits the hate crime perpetrator, he will be arrested for assault and battery. We're even talking about first graders here, and it's probably the same first grader that can't tell the teacher she's pretty because that's a sex crime. He can't pray before he eats because that is a religious crime. Look at where we are. Look at what we have allowed to happen to the institution of the family.

I have another question. Why aren't the churches talking about all of these problems? Why aren't they more vocal and active, fighting for the souls of those they serve? Unfortunately, I think it is because they don't want to jeopardize their tax free status. Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black? Worshiping the Almighty Dollar instead of our Almighty God?

Manny...Most of the church's here in North America have been corrupted. They have ceased to talk to the challenges we as a nation are having let alone to discussing ways of solving those challenges. The reason they have stopped is they do not want to lose their 501C status.

Then here comes Johnson & Johnson, who became a world medical supplier in WWII, not to mention all of the mega, mega, mega pharmaceutical companies. And speaking of them, why do pharmaceuticals cost sharply less in Mexico? Those people are making a profit too, and yet they sell their products for pennies on the dollar compared to our country. Why? Medical insurance and Obama Care is causing huge problems and sky rocketing the cost of medicine and insurance premiums. That really helps achieve the goal of universal health care, don't you think?

Get off the insurance company merry go round. MrsMac and I pay cash for all medical costs and do so for 25 - 75% of what the doctors and labs charge the insurance company for.

Viral infections are being manipulated and experimented with around the globe. Can anyone tell us why flu vaccines are pushed so strongly? Why are they free to the children? What is it that the government wants to control now? We really don't believe that the government wants to increase the health and well being of the American public, because if they did, they would make health care actually affordable, like the act says, instead of continuing to fleece the people and line the pockets of the mega giants in the health care industry. Sometimes it seems like we live in a big cesspool of experimentation. It's like, "Wow! Did you see how many people that virus made really sick? Some of them even died! What should we release next?" Folks, things like flu vaccines and childhood immunizations are part of the government control, socialist agenda. Just one more thing they can force you to do, and to the children, no less.

This will be the fourth flu season that MrsMac and I will not get the flu shot. We have not gotten the flu in any of those four years.

One of the great benefits of Obamanation Care is that now they are able to track all of your health care data, free of charge. They will be able to tell you when to eat, when to sleep, what drugs they insist you take to 'improve your health' so you will continue to line the pockets of those health care mega giants. And when all that wonderful care they provide you with causes your bodily systems to begin crashing, one right after the next, they will tell you when it's time to die. If you survive all of the viral experimentation, that is.

MrsMac and I went to have our eyes examined last Friday. The cost was $200- for both of us because we paid cash. Usually they send the insurance company a bill for $250 each or $500.

This was a new Ophthalmologist so as usual they had us fill out background paper work. We did not write our social security number although asked. They wanted our cell phone numbers not just our home phone number. They wanted to know were we worked and what our occupation was. Last they wanted our drivers license to run through a scanner so our picture would appear on our accounts. I refused all of their requests. They were insistent to the point where MrsMac started to walk out of the doctors office. The reception ran after us and "allowed" us to not give her/the office unnecessary private information.

I don't even know if we can stand to talk about what Planned Parenthood has been doing, selling off body parts of the babies they just murdered. You know, it must take a special kind of person to be able to perform that 'job' day after day, and still be able to live with themselves. That is something we totally cannot fathom. We now live in a day and age where it is okay to kill babies and sell their body parts. When I was young we used to read Bible stories about these horrible people that sacrificed their children on an alter during worship. Are our times any different than theirs? We hear about partial birth abortions on a regular basis and nobody bats an eye. What does that say about the times we live in?

Thank you Margaret Sanger.

This is only a partial list of what is happening all around us everyday. We have GPS tracking everywhere, in your car, phone, credit card chips, computers, you name it, it's there. The NSA is having a hey day with it's data collections systems. There is no telling how many lists you are on. We know there is some kind of computer monitoring going on all the time. My computer can be off,  and the internet server off, and yet I get reminders that updates are ready before I turn on the computer. How does it know there are updates available if everything is off and it's not connected? I can't get a signal through but they can.

GMO food is poisoning the people with every bite they take. TV is sucking the minds of the people dry, leaving barely anything recognizable as human in it's place. Pornography is so rampant and common place, even on regular television programming, that people look at you funny if you even mention it. Don't you dare speak about how women are dressing now days. Most of them look like hookers, flashing their cleavage and trying to keep their too tight pants hiked up so their other cleavage isn't hanging out.

Then there are the illegal immigrants, or we could just call them criminals because that's what each and everyone of them are, that arrive demanding food, water, shelter, medical and educational benefits that most Americans only dream of. Many, many of them end up with a higher standard of living than the average working family. Tell me that's going to end well. These immigrants can end up better off than the countries they are trying to invade. It is not desperate refugees searching for a better life, it is an invasion, here, Europe, everywhere. Would we sit back and allow an army to invade our country? Apparently so.

And then there are the Nazi's running the climate control scam. Bilking the 'richer' countries out of more money for the 'poorer' countries, when in reality it's just a bunch of greedy bazillionaires scarfing up as much money as they can while it's still worth something. Add the UN to the mix, with their insatiable appetite for world control, and we will all live long, happy lives together, if you like slavery, that is.

Each one of these topics could be an article all by itself, but we include all of these facets of our STARK REALITY for a reason. What is to come of this? What is the STARK REALITY of our situation? What will be the tipping point for the slide into the abyss of anarchy and chaos? Will it be the fight Obama is putting up for gun control? Will there be eruptions along racial, ethnic or religious lines? TPTB have been using their community organizers to foment war for years now, but it just hasn't quite taken off the way they hoped and planned. Make no mistake about it, there will be confrontation, there will be war. How widespread and of what venue we do not know, but it will come to your neighborhood and ours, and you can bet the government will have a hand in it. It's not going to be one confrontation, there are multiple wars going on in Europe all the time. Military against military, military against organized resistance, government against the people. Those who control,with their robots following blindly behind them, will seek to destroy or overrun those that resist.

The fields have been sowed and the Progressives are tending their gardens of hate to pit brother against brother.

What kind of wars may be in our future? We don't know, but it is easy to read the writing on the wall. It's there is BIG BOLD letters for all to see. The possibilities are numerous. Racial wars; black and white; black and brown; brown and white. Hetrosexual vs. homosexual. Urban vs. rural. Immigrants vs. Americans. Americans vs. immigrants. Anyone that speaks a different language or has an accent vs. 'normal' Americans. Federal government vs. State government. Local government vs. local people.

In any of these scenarios there will be tyrants that surface when there are temporary power vacuums. You can't support this John Wayne mentality that people are going to stand up and suddenly start supporting each other. It's not going to happen. Turn on the TV and look at the American spirit, look at what's its actually turned into. A bunch of rude, vulgar, whining, sissies that want every problem of the world to be solved in 30 minutes so everyone can go home happy and eat their TV dinners.

The haves vs. have nots, even if it's only a perception and not reality. Rich vs. poor. Welfare & disability recipients vs. those that work and pay for their lazy butts. This is one area where resentment gets stronger every day. Immigrants demanding entry, food, water, medical, housing vs. those with that have little and cannot support them. Border wars or invasions of many countries vs. citizens of those countries. Why is it that a country can no longer decide who they allow to immigrate? Why is it that immigrants can now demand to be let in and totally supported just because they want to? How is that possible?

There will be, and already are, religious wars. Muslim vs. Christian. Protestant/Catholic/Mormon/Jehovah's Witness, they all persecute each other and non religious people. Some of them teach hatred against everyone that is not one of 'them', not all but way too many. Then there are people that persecute everyone with any religious beliefs, except the Satanists, of course.

How come an isolated, black, religious leader can stand in a religious forum, advocate shooting and killing white people, and absolutely nothing is done? It has somehow become okay. If a white preacher were to do that, he would be in jail, for, guess what? A hate crime. That is an issue. This folks, is a major problem which could lead to war, easily. We are already hearing about it on the news, people that murder and call it a race war.

Our government has betrayed the people. The government has abandoned the Constitution, infringes on our legal rights more and more everyday, and this could lead to a conflict. They are already prepared for it, are you? We have been lied to, we have been cheated, and it continues to get worse everyday. Look at the way the shootings in Oregon are being skewed and used for political means. One day it will not go any farther because it can't. That will be the day the shackles will be tightened around your leg to the point there is no escape. They are already there, all the have to do is tighten the noose around your neck. You think Jade helm was just a military exercise? It was. It was a data gathering exercise. Peaceful? Yes. Our military has been purged. Our military will fire on and disarm the American people. Don't kid yourself to think otherwise. WE THE PEOPLE, who stand up for our rights have now become the enemy of the state. Don't get on the bus.

Yes, we have a war coming. It's black and white obvious. Look at some of the simple, simple data. Just look at it. The conditions are right. One small trigger will set this thing to rolling. There will be numerous coordinated attacks. They're already happening. Look at Ferguson, Missouri. Look at LA and the homeless problems. Look at towns all over this country with immigrant issues. Look at the EBT card issues. These people are not going to be happy when their cards are empty. Look at the banking problems. Look at schools, churches and our military. Look at the new openly gay secretary of the Army. Does that send you a message?

How many American people are on "food stamps?" The last I read it is ~48M.

So, how is it going to happen? No telling. It could be a power grid failure. It could be a semi-truck accident carrying biologicals in a major town. It could be a freight train derailment carrying any number of assorted gases. It could be riots in a handful of major towns. It could be a viral pandemic. It could be a bank holiday. Many things could cause it to spiral out of control. But the government has their cards in place. They could start a riot at any time, they have been practicing all around the country. They're called community organizers. They are ready, they are organized, they are structured, disciplined and eager. WE THE PEOPLE have allowed THEM to control our lives through various forms of indoctrination and propaganda. We have few precious days left. We need to be mentally prepared for the horrors that are about to come upon us. We need to come together in neighborhoods, communities and towns across the country.

Now we know why the new emphasis on "Gun Control." Every dictator works to reduce the risk of gun ownership, e.g. Russia/USSR, China/Mao, Germany/Hitler, Cuba/Castro, Etc.

So, are we working hard? Yes. As long as we can, we are going to continue working hard. We want to do all we can to be prepared for the STARK REALITY that is about to come upon us all. Are you working hard? There are only so many days left, and if you know it's coming, then do something to prepare. Make a list, accomplish one of the tasks, and check it off. Or you can wait for the government to do it for you, and they will check you off of their list. Don't ever get on the bus.

Frank & Fern

Freedom Through Self-Reliance

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Offline Nemo

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Re: Frank & Fern Blog Article - A Must Read
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2015, 11:43:08 AM »
FYI, I routinely cut things like this in half and do it in 2 posts.  I cannot bribe IT guys.

And well worth reading and thinking about.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Frank & Fern Blog Article - A Must Read
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2015, 09:23:30 PM »
Nemo wrote, "FYI, I routinely cut things like this in half and do it in 2 posts.  I cannot bribe IT guys."

Gee wiz, thank you for your advise Nemo.
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