it would be interesting to compare and contrast weapon control laws around the world and see their effects.
It seems to me that the prohibition era -
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a time in the United States of America during which it was illegal to make, sell or consume alcohol
- should have taught us, the USA at least, a lesson. During that time, violence, cost of alcohol and actual use went up. Would weapons restrictions or any governmental restrictions force or cause the same effect? I find it very informative that the cost of high THC cannabis has gone down in the US state of Colorado (they have recently legalized recreational use of cannabis). Colorado's tourist industry has gone up exponentially - the cannabis industry grossed 100M USD last year.
Why do so many people assume that gun control would drive weapons out of our society? I believe it would drive them underground into the black market and disarm law abiding people. I don't understand how this protects us. even the recent well publicized shootings occurred outside the currently existing laws. The weapons were acquired in an illegal manner in most cases. In one case the person attacked the chosen location partially because he knew CC was illegal in that location. The situation in France resulted in the call up of a large number of military types and sending them off on a terrorist hunt - inside the borders of their own country.
I have to admit - even living in Europe for several years, I knew they had strict gun control laws but I never gave it much thought. After the several French incidents I started looking into it and found out they have a thriving black market in some countries.
this video if from a fairly liberal organization - trigger alert
I ran across this trolling the interwebs. It was a starting point.