Author Topic: Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania  (Read 515 times)

Offline patriotman

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Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania
« on: March 14, 2019, 09:58:25 AM »

HB0768 is known as the Firearms Registration Act. The Democrats that introduced the bill were Mary Louise Isaacson (D), Angel Cruz (D), and Mary Jo Daley (D). Last Friday, the General Assembly referred the bill to the committee on judiciary.

The bill would require gun owners in the Keystone State to register their firearms with the Pennsylvania State Police. Owners would have to provide the police with the make, model, and the serial numbers of all their guns.

Along with the application that the gun owner must swear to under oath, the gun owner would have to submit fingerprints, two photographs that are no older than 30 days and go through a background check for each firearm that they own. This background check is the same one that they must go through to purchase a gun.

In addition to this requirement, they must also provide the Pennsylvania State Police with their home and work address, telephone number, social security number, date of birth, age, sex, and citizenship. This requirement is more information than a person needs to vote.

If the State Police rejects the person’s application, then they will have ten days to appeal the decision. The owner must turn their firearms into the State Police within three days of receiving notification of the rejection. If a person does not appeal the decision within ten days, their right is forfeit.

A gun owner cannot transfer any unregistered firearm. Anyone caught with an unregistered gun is guilty of a crime even if they are unaware of the firearm registration status. Also just holding an unregistered firearm at a range is a crime.

The gun owner must keep all firearms unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock. If a firearms owner doesn’t secure their firearm that way, they would be guilty of a crime. This rule even applies to homes with no children.

The gun owner has 48 hours to update the State Police if they change jobs, phone numbers, addresses, or anything else on the application. If they do not update the State Police, then they could be prosecuted for violating the law.

The certificate which will cost $10 per firearm will expire after one year. The gun owner would have to start the process over again to renew their certification. This process must be done 60 days before the certificate expires. The procedure can get confusing for gun owners with large collections.
Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

Psalm 144:1-2


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Re: Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2019, 11:09:58 AM »
Well that bites......

Offline Jackalope

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Re: Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2019, 04:21:09 PM »
    Geez Johny, Pennsylvania is getting worse than NY.  So do the Patriots of Pennsylvania touch off CW II?

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2019, 05:25:50 PM »
If the State Legislature is stupid enough to pass that bill, the citizens should revolt by ignoring the law. If nobody registers, they can't arrest every citizen in the whole state.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2019, 09:36:52 PM »

The house is 110/91 GOP/Dem and the Senate is 26/21 GOP/Dem so it will never get out of committee onto the floor to vote on.

With that written, it does not mean that things will change around in 2020 or 2022. I do know that my Sheriff would never abide by the law as we have seen in similar results in CA. and WA. of late.

Funny story, the county I live in and the one to the east and one to the west is patrolled by three (3) state troopers. We have a police officer in town who works 10-hours a week. The real law around here are the Deputy Sheriff's. Hung in their office is a banner that reads..."We Support the Second Amendment".

It would be interesting to watch though if the bill did pass and was signed by the governor who is a DEM.   
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 12:57:02 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline grizz

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Re: Firearms Registration Act Introduced in Pennsylvania
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2019, 02:22:54 PM »
good luck
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