I disagree that this is a smokescreen. I actually think Ferguson is a prime example of how a civil war could easily start in this country.
The anger and frustration showing in Ferguson is not just about this case. This case is a straw breaking the camel's back. This is yet another example of the white elite getting away with murder (whether you think it's murder or not, the important thing to understand is that many of these people do believe it was murder) of a poor, black kid. It's another log on the fire of racial and income inequality, of lack of opportunity, of disenfranchisement in the political process due to the attacks on voting rights and gerrymandering. It's resentment and fear of an increasingly militarized police force no longer protecting and serving the people, but instead helping to serve up the black and poor communities' youth to the billion dollar-a-year prison complex. It's a small eruption of the lava of true anger bubbling through our country right now that the elite, powerful, and wealthy either deny or ignore.
I think that as resources get tighter and the wealthy businessmen who pull the puppet strings get more greedy and desperate, you'll see more Fergusons and more protests.
It's unfortunate that the people burning the local businesses and such don't turn their destruction on who really deserves it.