No matter whether we vote Obama out, vote Ron Paul in, or Santorum or Romney.......the fact remains, the politicians are only a reflection of the state of the nation. How is it just Obama's fault or Reed, Pelosi, Dodd, or Frank. The problem is America.....we are a sick nation, and until we, as a nation, decide to get back to what made us great, what our founders portrayed throughout our documents, we will continue down this dark path to destruction. Trust me, there will always be another Obama willing to change the country, but on the same token, their will always be another Ron Paul to restore our freedoms, if we can keep this Republic. You can put all the gas in car all you want, but without the engine, it ain't gonna run! We the people, are the engine, and we desperately need a tune up! The government can only do so much without our support and with the second amendment still enforced. They can't dictate unless we allow it. Vote based on what is right, but follow that vote with a daily commitment to justice and integrity, because that walk may be what truly makes the bigger difference than the ballot box.