Author Topic: FBI and the Nassar investigation  (Read 433 times)

Offline RB in GA

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FBI and the Nassar investigation
« on: September 19, 2021, 02:12:48 PM »
Before today I'd not heard much of this story, and still wouldn't have except I get updated when Tulsi Gabbard posts something on, as she's the only Democrat that I think is possibly worth listening to. I'm reposting her statement below.  If some of you are as clueless as I was to what its referring to, the FBI sidelined an investigation into an alledged pedophile doctor working for the US gynmastics team.

Tulsi Gabbard@tulsigabbard
9 hours ago
How much is a little girl worth?
That?s a question
we should never have to ask
because the answer
should be threaded
through our society
It should be a fact
We take for granted
That we would never
leave her stranded
Or worse -
when she cries out, turn back
Just to protect those who attack her

Simone Biles
Aly Raisman
McKayla Maroney
Maggie Nichols
And hundreds of others

We are listening
Your testimony before the US Senate
was devastating and sickening

FBI agents were not only
derelict in their duty ?
They chose to turn a blind eye
to Nassar?s abhorrent crimes

So I say ?
To the men and women of the FBI
What perversion of justice
Within your own minds
Made you decide
Not to protect the innocent
Instead you put yourself on the line
To protect a rapist and a pedophile


When these girls cried for help
When they cried for justice
Your turned your backs
Because it was more important to you
To protect yourself
To protect the interests of the elite
To protect an establishment
That facilitated the abuse of young girls
For generations
What you did was not just a violation
It was straight exploitation
Just like Nassar
Exploited his access
To young girls who trusted him
It was his job to protect them
From injury
And it was your job to protect them
From predators
Instead, you conspired to betray them
In the worst way

You are complicit
In the abuse they received
And you must be held accountable
There cannot be
And different system of justice
For the elite

We have an example to set
Predators and their protectors everywhere
should live in fear
When - like Simone said - they see that justice is swift and severe

So how much is a little girl worth?
If you say less than the cost
To cover your own ass
Shame on you
If you say
Less than your salary
Less than the reputation
Of a powerful pedophile
Shame on you
You do not belong in civilized society

How much is a little girl worth?
She is worth sending predators and their protectors to prison
She is worth our time and attention
Bottom line:
She is worth our protection

I heartily agree with her. 100%. Don't all abuses of power such as this deserve the same treatment?

But where's that type of outrage at the trampling of our rights?  Tulsi's not a pro-gun person, so I can't support her. And that's a shame cause she's the kind of voice we need.
Now if we could just get a voice like that to stand up for our rights...

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: FBI and the Nassar investigation
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2021, 03:37:21 PM »
Well said...Written.

Once the FBI was incorruptible and was held in high esteem by all facets of the American populous. Today, they are being looked at as a banana republic police force ran by Politian's rather than honorable men & women.

Story...When I interviewed for a Vice President role at West Marine, eons ago (1995), the CEO of the company at the time asked me this question during the lengthy interview process, "If you were told to do something and it was morally wrong or against the company culture, what would you do?" My response was, "I would say no, make alternate suggestions, and if I was forced to do it, I would resign." 

The CEO was a Marine who left the Corp as a Captain. He looked at me and said, "that is the right answer".

In 2005, I was asked by a new CEO to approve a store I knew would bomb out and said no. He had to have X stores planned to be open for 2006 as outlined by "The Board". A month later, I was given a nice golden parachute and life went on.

Epilog: The store that I refused to okay its opening, was opened in the spring of '06. It closed down in '08. It turned out that the CEO was a true mental case and after 18-months or so was Amendment 25 out of his roll. They finished paying out the remaining time on his four-year contract to avoid a law suit and for all intents and purposes the company was ran by committee until they found a new CEO. The companies stock went from ~$30- a share to $10- a share during his tenure and beyond.

Today, West Marine is not public and is owned by a VC group.

Using this story, I wonder what will happen if Uncle Joe remains in power? Where will the country be? I wonder what will happen to our military if Gen. Milley remains in his current role? There are others too, as we all know.
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline grizz

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Re: FBI and the Nassar investigation
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2021, 03:56:19 PM »
I feel milly is the equivalent to the SS and he is putting together some sort of secret force to do the biddings of the deepstate

Back to Gabbard, she is so close to being a true republican, NOT a rino, and I hope she comes around
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Offline FeedingFreedom

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Re: FBI and the Nassar investigation
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2021, 12:13:07 PM »
The FBI intentionally built up their mythology from the very beginning. They were never the pure, incorruptible knights of justice that they portrayed themselves as. Hoover was as crooked, paranoid, and vengeful as any politician or mobster they went up against. They actively campaigned with the media and Hollywood to build a certain image whose echoes still taint a lot of peoples' opinion of them to this day.

When I was in 6th grade, our class trip was to Washington D.C., we toured all the major sites, and the FBI was the coolest because they actually fired a Thompson for every tour group, and showed off their firearms collection. They also showcased their famous "Crime Lab", which was supposed to be using the cutting edge of technology to solve crimes. Turns out they faked a whole lot of evidence, and overstated the reliability of a lot of their processes. Their current conduct is just a continuation of their real traditions. I've known dozens of FBI agents, some since early childhood, and I would call none of them friends, nor would I trust them to solve any crime reliably or truthfully.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: FBI and the Nassar investigation
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2021, 02:04:56 PM »
FF,  :cheers:
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.