It seems to me that the Right is going to get blamed regardless of the truth of the situation. If people couldn't own.. blah, blah, blah.
There was headline that came across my wife's Ipad earlier that said the leading person of interest was 63, and had recently given away his home. At that age, and with that activity, he/she/it probably will be portrayed as a right winger- especially since he seems to be a Heinlein fan ("This is a 30 second bomb. This is a twenty nine second bomb" anyone?).
I'm predicting the POI will go out in a gun battle somewhere, thus eliminating possible contras to any narrative developing (or already developed).
As an aside, with the loudspeaker going off for thirty minutes before the explosion and counting down, how could any SANE civilian been injured?
Anyway, this will without a doubt be the opening salvo of Biden?Harris' justification for moving forward.