If I had to vote (gun to head) I'd pick Santorum or Paul. More than likely Santorum, but I guess we'll all know come April 3rd. To be perfectly honest though I could still care less for any of them, even Paul. They rub me the wrong way. I think Santorum could stand a better chance debating Obama and winning. Rregardless they're all still politicians.
P.S. Besides all the damn hippies chanting Ron Paul makes me want to gag. It's like they want to get in line to kiss the guys feet or stroke his balls like some weird freaking cult.
Look, I respect opinions, but I have to respond to this one. Ron Paul has my unreserved support because his record completely backs his political stance. Over 30+ years, he has voted constitutionally on every issue. He has proven through his actions that he puts his duty to the Constitution and the people first. No other candidate currently espouses a completely Constitutional agenda except Paul, including Santorum. Santorum has only a fraction of the service Paul has had, and even that small amount is not completely Constitutional. They are all politicians, yeah. Should you trust them because of their words? No. Should you trust Ron Paul because of his words? No. You choose the candidate based on their words and actions. Ron Paul's actions for the past three decades match his words. You can have a certain trust in that fact, a proven history of unreserved Constitutional support.
Also, perhaps you did not include all Paul supporters in your "hippy" comment, but you were pretty vague. I think some of them can be a bit creepy, too (in my opinion, every candidate has its share of irrational devotees). However, the vast majority of people I've talked to that support Paul do so because they know his history backs his words, and they agree with his words. This is not irrational behavior. It's good sense. What is bad sense, to me, is rejecting one candidate, who has proven his worth over three decades, in favor of another candidate with a fraction of the same service and whose political career has demonstrated some un-Constitutional aspects.
Do you stand for the Constitution or not? That is the only question that should be at the forefront of all of our minds in this election (or any election, for that matter). Any other candidate is going to send us down the same road Obama is sending us. Perhaps it will be slower, but we'll get there. Ron Paul probably will not run again. There is no other person I've seen who has his record and his knowledge of what our nation needs to recover and return to a liberty-loving society. If we do not elect Paul now, it is very likely that you will need to kiss your freedoms goodbye, or be 100% willing to put your lives on the line defending it. Ron Paul is the last hope, if there is any hope left in this charade, for a turn-around. Everyone else has their own agenda, and if the Constitution gets in their way they don't care if they bypass it. It's very likely now or never, guys. I find it hard to believe that anyone here who is "awake" really believes that someone who is any less than completely pro-Constitutional and who is willing to adhere to it regardless of consequences is the person who can help to heal this nation.