A few comments and I would appreciate input from the group on them,
1) I bring my cell phone with me in case of emergency. It is turned off and in a EMP bag.
2) I carry a pager for MrsMac to contact me in an emergency. I got the least expensive one that only sends out a telephone
number of the person I am supposed to call. I have also come up with a easy brevity code to add at the end of the
number. As an example, if the number to call is followed with 911 - Well you guess what that means.
3) I trust nobody. Sorry if that offends my friends but anybody can be turned by a alphabet soup agency. Today, I vet ya'
and you are solid, tomorrow you get turned and then you are not. My closest friends and I have a warning word to be
used in typical discussion that can be used to let me know they have been contacted by an ABC Agency. BUT, that isn't
even foolproof.
4) Last and only recently, I am paying cash when traveling away from home. Is it a pain in the neck...Yupper it is. However,
what Jackalope wrote, Use cash and a covid mask to maintain anonymity.