Author Topic: Destiny Looms: Choose Your Way or it Drags You  (Read 312 times)

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Destiny Looms: Choose Your Way or it Drags You
« on: March 06, 2018, 06:52:30 PM »
A long read that is thought provoking.

Time’s Up

Can you feel the noose tightening? Can you see and smell the foul feculence flung towards the whirling flabellum?

Like the divided hemispheres of a giant brain, so is America today. Except no longer are the two sides working for the betterment of one nation. On the contrary, for the past several decades the collective schizophrenia of the Political Left has progressively degenerated. Upon the election of Donald Trump, however, a psychotic break was induced of a magnitude not seen since Jeffrey Dahmer’s final dinner party, at midnight, on Halloween.

In addition to hallucinations of Russian election hacking, and delusions of presidential obstructions of justice, the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments to the United States Constitution are under simultaneous attack by both the psychotically sadistic Deep State and their self-flagellating, collectivist gimps.

It has become so bad, the internet memes are ridiculing the same maniacal, flakes, freaks, and fruitcakes who were calling Trump “Hitler” last fall for NOW begging him to take away their guns. That is, until the Electronic Social Planners remove such politically incorrect demonstrations of online mimetic communication. Yes, just as the dingbats, dummies, dorks, dolts, and dopes descend into unredeemable devastating delirium, the World Wide Web is being pureed into soft servings for the suffering and sickly snowflakes to swallow.
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline Kbop

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Re: Destiny Looms: Choose Your Way or it Drags You
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2018, 08:17:24 PM »
good read.   :facepalm: