Author Topic: December 2022 Economy  (Read 343 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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December 2022 Economy
« on: December 05, 2022, 11:51:35 AM »
It is always fun to sit back and make predictions on the US economy.

Back in September I suggested that the DJIA would bottom out around 28,000 then start to bounce back as we lead up to the midterms and beyond into December to around 34,000. Then take a dive early Q1, 2023. So far I think we are on track with that prediction.

I haven't written about PM's in awhile so here goes.

Gold and silver are on their way up. Gold just went past the $1,800- an oz. and silver just cleared $22- an oz. ceiling's. I foresee both PM's flirting with the next ceiling $1,900 and $26- an oz. respectively between now and when Dec. CPI, housing sales/starts, Q4 retail sales, etc. comes out in January. Then we will see a serious attempt to pass these ceiling's. Heck, throw in a declining DJIA which I predict we will see in early Q1, 2023, and the PM prices may just march right past the aforementioned ceilings.

Keep in mind that the unemployment numbers post the holiday season we will not see till January.

Then we have some other fun events in the world awaiting for early 2023.

> Russia relaunching their move on Ukraine,
> GOP taking control of the U.S. House,
> The EU freezing to death,
> BRICS becoming more popular amongst other countries as they move from the Petro Dollar. Add to that, more
   countries demanding gold not U.S. dollars for trade (See my PM prediction),
> Central Bank collapses in the EU,
> CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) across the globe. It is coming because the DAVOS group wants control
   over your money,
> What have I missed, all happening in Q1, 2023. 

Those are my economic thoughts for this beautiful late fall day. Thoughts?

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Offline pkveazey

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Re: December 2022 Economy
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2022, 02:12:35 PM »
I read your epistle on the economy and agree with all of it. However, the powers that be want us to only follow the Stock Market and ignore the Bond Market. You have to watch both of them to really know what's going on. Now as to BRICS...... We will have no choice but to either go back on the Gold Standard or join BRICS. The BRICS countries are going to back their currency in Gold and if we don't back our currency in Gold, then our money will become worthless. Friday, we went out to Cracker Barrel to eat and before I left the House I checked the spot price of Silver. Damn! an hour later I checked the price again and it had jumped up by $2 an ounce. I figured that by Monday, they would have slammed it back down or it would start its rocket to the moon that we've all been waiting for. Yep, they slammed it down by $1 and ounce. I think by the end of this month Silver will explode and they won't able to stop it.

Offline grizz

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Re: December 2022 Economy
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2022, 01:46:40 PM »
I pay the most attention to those things within my reach such as fuel for vehicles, groceries, utilities, and with inflation being pushed on us by the govt, my tiny check is getting smaller every day I go out into the world.

My outlook for the upcoming year is not good but I stay strong and keep doing my best with what I have. I kind of hope everything hits the fan because I could possibly be better off if I play my cards right...
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