You ever wonder if it's really as simple as the appearance? I seen the video when it first popped up on the news. Honestly the cops were dicks. I wouldn't be that alarmed if I saw a guy walking around with an ar, but that may depend on his body language and dress. If he were dressed up like 50 Cent chances are good I'd call the cops. To the same extent a couple of guys walking around decked out in camo thinking they're operators may prompt me to that too. I wonder how a more conservative attired individual would have been treated who had the ar slung on his back instead. Would a civilian wearing an old fashioned Mexican loop holster be as "intimidating" to the officers?
I don't know. It's hard to say considering many counties don't even teach the gun laws to the fullest extent. Heck they're using "don't hesitate" targets so that ought to speak volumes. As we've been conditioned we ought to condition back.