Author Topic: covid vaccine  (Read 1580 times)

Offline grizz

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covid vaccine
« on: January 16, 2021, 09:24:06 PM »
Local radio reported this morning that there are many vaccines available and many more being developed. BUT many of them are using aborted baby parts. It made me sick!!
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2021, 01:49:32 AM »
I read something about Astra Zenica (I guess that's how you spell it) They used 14 week old aborted baby lung tissue and cloned it many times so they could put it in their vaccine. When I read that it clicked with something else. Some or possibly all of the vaccines can modify your DNA. Hmmmmm.... Injecting somebody else's DNA into you could do exactly that. I suppose I've fallen into the AGENDA 21 conspiracy theory. If they manufacture a disease and it doesn't kill you, then they'll vaccinate you and let the vaccine kill you later. I'm not taking it. :pissed:

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2021, 12:57:27 PM »
Remember, a couple weeks ago I shared with the group a company that predicts countries GDP, populations, etc out seven years? Many different companies use the statistics to build 3 and 5 year plans. The company is running in the high 90%'s with accuracy.

They report that the U.S.A. will be depopulated by 70% between 2021 and 2025. That kind of a mortality rate can only be done through WMD's or a pandemic. Maybe the cure for the pandemic is worse than the disease.  :faint:  Here is that article I wrote.

I forget what city or state it was, however, I heard on the news today that 40% of the area's first responders were refusing the vaccine. The refusal was causing the vaccine to sit in refrigerators past the pull dates.

Oh, here is a link I found write-off.

Case in point, I belong to RACES of Broome County, NY. I just received an invite by the head of the EOC/911 to contact 'X' site to register for the vaccine. We are being called Communication First Responders:suicide:

I ain't getting it! No how no way.

I wonder how long it will take for governments to make it mandatory?

« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 01:07:05 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Nemo

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2021, 02:13:52 PM »
No Triple F'en way for me.  If you need any convincing yourself see below.  Take your time to read it.  Its a bit medical but any reasonably educated person can understand it.  Its also a bit long.  But quite worthwhile.  You will be better informed if you read it.

It starts by explaining how the virus works, how the vaccine works and is developed and how the immunization process happens. 


Would I Let My Children Have the COVID Vaccine? No Way.
Sebastian Rushworth MD   15 Jan 21

Three separate covid vaccine trials have now had their results published in peer-reviewed journals (Astra-Zeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna), and the vaccines have already been approved for use in multiple countries. In light of that, I think it’s time to look in to how effective and safe the vaccines are, especially considering that many of us are about to be given the option to take them (and some of us already have).

First out of the gate was the Astra Zeneca vaccine, for which trial data was published in The Lancet on the 8th of December. All vaccines have the same underlying principle – to activate a person’s immune system so that it develops immune memory to a specific disease, without actually causing the person to have the disease you want to protect against. But there are multiple ways in which that goal can be achieved. The Astra Zeneca vaccine is a so called “adenoviral vector” vaccine.

In order to understand how this vaccine works, you first need to understand how a virus works. In general, a virus consists of two main parts, a shell made of protein, and inside the shell, a string of nucleotides that make up the viral genome (which can be DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus). The shell latches on to a target cell that it’s going to infect, and then it injects the genome in to the cell. The target cell has a hard time telling the difference between the virus’s genome and its own DNA or RNA, so it treats the viral genome like its own, and starts using it as a blueprint to produce new viruses.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 02:16:16 PM by Nemo »
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline grizz

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2021, 03:53:40 PM »
regarding the vaccine, I overheard a reference to Revelations and mark of the beast but didnt catch the entire thing, does anyone hear know anything about that?
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2021, 07:50:34 AM »
Hey grizz. I am no theologian here on Revelations however, I will write, there is many similarities of the world explained in the first few chapters of The Book as today. With that written we have...

Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth - Revelations 3:10

Or from Corinthians we have,

Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed - Corinthians 15:51-52

What scares me is the cure for this supposed pandemic is this,
The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
- Revelations 13:15-18

In that last quote, you will not be able to buy or acquire anything with out the sign of the beast. Will that sign be a "card" or "micro chip" showing you are a good boy or girl like taking the medicine.  ;)

China uses a point social credit system to control their people. Some might call it the sign of the beast.

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Offline grizz

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2021, 02:16:47 PM »
I believe it was the last quote that was mentioned in the radio show I listened.

I have NO DOUBT they will try to put the mark on us in one form or another
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Offline TheGrayMan

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2021, 12:58:07 AM »
I work in an emergency room and I have taken care of many people with COVID.

Or rather, I’ve taken care of many people who have flu-like symptoms, some very mild and some very severe, who test positive for COVID. Anyway...

Now that the vaccine is happening, I’ve had many coworkers get the vaccine and then get sick with COVID less than a week later. Two days ago I took care of a lady who developed a moderate to severe case of Bell’s Palsy less than one day after receiving the first dose of the Moderna vaccine.

Some of my docs are refusing the vaccine, as am I and some of the other nurses.

If I’m already going to be treated like I have the plague in my own country just because I voted for Trump, then I might as well pass on taking the vaccine too.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2021, 09:14:36 AM »
Yupper TGM.

I suspect that only 50% of the population will take the vaccine voluntarily - Then the government (Local, state, federal) will step in. I can hear it now, "you must take the vaccine! Do it for the children."  :facepalm:
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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2021, 09:51:27 AM »
Yupper TGM.

I suspect that only 50% of the population will take the vaccine voluntarily - Then the government (Local, state, federal) will step in. I can hear it now, "you must take the vaccine! Do it for the children."  :facepalm:

I’m not sure about the percentage, but it will be lower than what the illegitimate government is happy with. Then again, the lower the turnout for shots, the more ENEMIES and TERRORISTS there are, and then they can justify more heavy handedness in response.

What I have observed is a trickling effect. We started hearing about the vaccine and a whole bunch of folks in my red area of NW Florida were staunchly against getting it. Then some people started getting sick, and a few of the anti-Covid-vax people decided that maybe they would get the vaccine. Then some people (very old people) started dying. Someone’s grandma died. A flight nurse died that a few people knew, and he had gotten a blood clot after recovering from Covid (which seems to be a risk of the virus later). So on and so forth.

So now there are some people who are getting it who were originally pretty hard against it.

I’m not anti-vax overall, but I’m not getting this one. Not until I know it’s been vetted like the others over many years. I’ve given hundreds of flu shots to people with no one, not a single person, getting a bad reaction. But I won’t give this one and I’m not getting it either.

Offline grizz

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2021, 12:47:48 AM »
I've yet to meet anyone in this state who is willing to get the shot.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2021, 10:08:17 AM »
Two questions.

1) How many people have had complications from the vaccine? Whether it be a reaction or death.
2) How many people attended the pro Trump rally in D.C. on January 6, 2021?

The puppeteers behind President Biden, also control the reporting of such things. That includes FoxNews.
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Offline TheGrayMan

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2021, 02:26:39 PM »
I don’t buy into the weird “aborted babies in the vaccine” stuff because the “evidence” is no more credible than anything the leftists are pushing. I certainly do buy into the idea that people are getting rich as hell off of it and that anything they can use to either make us sick or at least convince us that we are going to get sick is part of their plan. They’ve got over half the country too scared to blink.

Everyone I work with who has gotten the vaccine has gotten sick in one way or another. One guy had to go to the hospital because the first dose made him really sick.

I’m skipping it. They can get bent.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2021, 09:24:12 PM »
Amen Awomen TGM!  :cheers:

Let us all be careful to not believe everything whether it be from the left or right. Do your own research however, do not believe anybody...Period.

MrsMac and I have agreed that we will not take the vaccine for the CCP Virus. Bottom-line, it is unproven and why would we take a vaccine for something that there are many treatments for today. The national mortality rate is less than 2% for the people who get the virus. IMO, the mortality rate is probably less then that if you take out the folks who die via other means but had Covin-19 in their system.

We will not buy what 'they' are selling. That is us, you need to make up your own mind. No harm no foul if you take or do not take the vaccine.

Peace.  :cheers:
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2021, 01:36:50 AM »
You're right on target Johnny. I don't believe anything from anybody until I check it out. The one thing that I checked on was the fetus tissue. One of the vaccine companies(I think Astra-Senica) used 14 week old aborted male lung tissue and then cloned it over and over again to use in their vaccine. I believe all of the Vaccine companies use some form of the same basic recipe. I talked to my Dr. about it and he said it wasn't based on DNA/RNA but it was based on RNA. He had Covid and said he took Azithromycen, Vitamin D3, Zinc, and Vitamin C and got over it in just a couple of days but then he stayed home for 14 days to make sure he didn't bringing it into his office. I didn't bother to ask him if he would recommend the vaccine because Hell will freeze over before I take it.

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2021, 11:26:09 PM »
The only vaccines my area has are from Pfizer and Moderna.

My doc is recommending people don’t take it because he believes it alters the genome, and is a big money grab.

Everyone who gets it around here is getting sick. Best case scenario is that after each dose they feel like shit for a few days. I’ve seen a severe case of Bell Palsy. Have seen a coworker have to go to the hospital after taking the first dose. And he had already had Covid.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2021, 09:10:07 AM »
Two interesting stories.

I was coming home from visiting my mom this past week and as always, I had my 2-meter radio on monitoring repeaters. As I was driving along at a nice clip I might add, a black Explorer passed me with a bunch of antennas on the car. Thinking it was a friend, I matched the cars speed of around 85-mph, and tried to contact the driver using the VHF national calling frequency (NCF), 146.520 Mhz. Instead of have a QSO with the driver, my call was answered by a man who was monitoring the NCF.

We exchanged information, antenna, radio, etc, etc, etc. Then he happily told me that he and his wife had just received the "Covid shot". I congratulated him on his accomplishment and he asked if I had taken the shot yet?

I told him "no" and went on to explain in a non-political way that I could get the shot any time as being a member of RACES for a neighboring county and was considered a "first responder".

Well then he launched into a pleasant lecture about how important it was to take the Covid shot to help the country heal. At this point I asked him this question,

"Why would I take a vaccine shot for a virus that has less than a 2% mortality rate due to available medications and really no long term testing on how it will affect people?"

There was a pause and then he came back that he had to say his 73's as his house phone was ringing and he had to go.

Last night was my local amateur radio clubs meeting at a good watering hole. That is a restaurant/Tavern for you Biden supporters.

MrsMac and I walked into the restaurant and was immediately greeted by the owner and several wait staff. As I was getting setup for the meeting, one of the waitstaff put a glass of Blue Moon beer (No fruit mind you) in front of me and a cup of joe down in front of MrsMac.

We started catching up since our last visit and the owner came into the room and happily announced to us that he had a Covid vaccine shot appointment for the next day. He then asked us if we have had our shots yet?

Well with a big JohnyMac smile on my face I told him "no." Well then he pleasantly started to urge us that we need to get one ASAP to get America back on track. I thanked him for his advise and promptly tried to change the subject. Unfortunately, he was on a roll trying to convince MrsMac and I that we really needed to take it.

Realizing that being polite in trying to change the subject wasn't going to work, I told him the RACES first responder story. Well he started to reemphasis that I should take it. At which time I held my had up and said, "I am not done speaking."

he shut his pie hole and I said just what I said to my QSO previously in the week,

"Why would I take a vaccine shot for a virus that has less than a 2% mortality rate due to available medications and no long term testing on how it will affect people?" I then added, "my doctor told me to stay away from the vaccine for 12-months before I even think about taking it."

Now the doctor who I quoted was our family veterinarian that had been looking after our critters for ever but, still our doctor  ;)

Being a bit confused he said, "well I guess you should listen to your doctor." Turned on his heels and walked away.

We all must recognize; whether you will, have, or will not take the vaccine, the government and the arm of the government, the media, is doing an outstanding job of propaganda. We also must recognize that people who are drinking the cool aide do not want to drink it by themselves. They want accomplices to validate their decision to queue up to the needle.

You want to take the spike go for it. I have no problems or criticism for your decision. Just do not lecture me on my decision.  :DrillSgt:   

« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 01:04:35 PM by JohnyMac »
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Offline Nemo

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Re: covid vaccine
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2021, 09:15:49 AM »
I will go with some Hydroxychloroquin.


Lancet Formally Retracts Fake Hydroxychloroquine Study Used By Media To Attack Trump
June 4, 2020 By Tristan Justice

The Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal that published a 96,000-subject study indicting the efficacy of the politically controversial hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 has retracted its findings that the malaria medication led to an increased risk of death.

“Today, three of the authors of the paper, ‘Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis”, have retracted their study,” The Lancet said in a retraction statement Thursday. “They were unable to complete an independent audit of the data underpinning their analysis. As a result, they have concluded that they ‘can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources.”

“We deeply apologise to you, the editors, and the journal readership for any embarrassment or inconvenience that this may have caused,” the authors of the study wrote.

    In an important moment for science and data transparency, @thelancet announces that its 96,000 observational study on hydroxychloroquine has been RETRACTED.

    A sad story but an important one.

    — Jeremy Faust MD MS (@jeremyfaust) June 4, 2020

The study was first published in May and was the largest ever conducted analyzing the impacts of hydroxychloroquine after President Donald Trump was reported to be taking the medication as a precautionary measure following possible exposure to the virus.

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God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.