Initially, we will be allowed to continue using that worthless toilet paper that we call currency. They will phase it out slowly like they have always done in the past. The Sheeple don't understand that when its only CBDC, and they try to buy a firearm or some ammo, the transaction will not be allowed. The fools don't understand that you can't fix a broken lightbulb. Now, as for ESG scores, that's a whole different ballgame. The first thing that we must realize is that ENVIRONMENTALISM is not an idea, it is a RELIGION. Now, that's not to say that being environmentally aware is a bad thing. Its the environmental whackos that want to control every aspect of our lives. Well, I'm not having any of it. Mankind cannot destroy the world. We can screw it up pretty good, but in the end, the Earth(Mother Nature) can and will kick our ass. I hate to say it, but if we all stopped watching TV, using Smart Phones, and stopped using the Internet, they would lose control of the brainwashing that's going on 24/7. We preppers are coming closest to being able to survive the new world. We try to be as self sufficient as possible and divorce ourselves from the Government. We will fail, but we will be the last to fail.