Author Topic: CA gun laws  (Read 405 times)

Offline Kentactic

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CA gun laws
« on: June 04, 2013, 03:52:38 PM »
Hey guys just an update on CA gun laws:

They also are currently pushing several extreme bills making bassically any semi-auto gun illegal. Including rimfire. Theyve been jumping on the 3D printers aswell. CA is going up in flames it seems. If all the bills they are pushing pasd (all which are on a path to success)it wont be good.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: CA gun laws
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 06:56:01 PM »
Truly, my heart goes out to my friends in California. Whether you are liberal or conservative; Democrat or Republican your rights are slowly being whittled away.

Law abiding citizens are having firearms they own or can buy severally curtailed while the gang bangers in LA are running free. I did a quick study awhile ago and Los Angles is in the top 10 murder rate cities in the country. If I remember correctly, the top cities were: Chicago, IL, St. Louis, IL. Detroit, MI. Baltimore, MD., Philadelphia, PA. Los Angles, Atlanta, GA. and a a few others. Five of those cities have the toughest gun controls in the country. 
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