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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2016, 01:11:51 PM »
Hi All,

Thought I might provide a bit of an update on how it played out over here.

1. When I put my head down to sleep between 00:30 and 01:00 It was looking as if even though it would be a close race, the stay in the EU side would win.

2. Woke at 05:30 and saw that the tipping point had just been crossed in favor of the leave the EU side.

3. Started watching the news channels (Still am)

4. Next big announcement is that Nigel Farage (D*** Head) was already gloating on morning TV shows. When asked if the major slogan "Why pay EU dues when we an spend that money on the National Health Service" is a guaranteed thing. His answer was "No. Of course not. That was a mistake in the champagne strategy." Well it only took a few hours for the leave champagne to go back on a promise.

5. The EU leadership started declaring their position. "You voted out? By By see you. No negotiation. No second chance. You made your bed so lie in it" They have to take this line and really hit the UK hard on this thing to discourage others from trying the same thing. The EU is going to do everything possible to screw and hurt the UK in the exit.

6. David Cameron resigned. (Basically fell on his sword in style) He basically was saying to his fellow conservative leave side "You wanted it? You got it. I'm out of here and you get to handle the mess you made"
6. Boris Johnson the primary conservative leave the EU talking head. Had to wait for police to beef up security before leaving his house in London. Due to the fact that there were alot of pretty angry people that wanted to stay in the EU waiting outside his house. 

7. The Scottish leader announces that since here people voted to stay in the EU, she will do whatever it takes to ensure their will is done. They refuse to be dragged out of the EU against their will. So they are going to start the process to conduct another referendum to leave the UK.

8. Northern Ireland is still arguing with itself about following the Scottish example.

9. The just below 50% of the populace that voted to stay in the EU are REALLY pissed ATM. They have even started petitions demanding a do over. Unfortunately when the head of the EU says prior to the vote that if you do this, that is it. Then gets up today and says. OK its a done deal. No get out quick.

10. So the die is cast.

For me. I am good.

1. My US based income (more than half our income) is now and will be worth a great deal more. (BIG PLUS)
2. The UK is going to split-up. Ye Ha. Now it is going to be less significant in the world and now so much less of a target.

Cheers all....

Will keep you updated.

See attached a graphic of the size of the UK compared to the US and make your own decision about how important the UK is to the world.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 04:37:25 PM by gadget99 »

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2016, 03:22:07 PM »
 :stir:   My message to all the butthurt "remain" supporters:

"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2016, 06:21:52 PM »
A day late but...

 Here's another point of view.

Those people who do not avidly track global economic events may be a bit confused by the growing tensions surrounding the U.K. referendum to exit the European Union, otherwise known as the “Brexit.” Or, they are completely indifferent. Unfortunately, the potential fallout surrounding the event could very well affect the entire world, but perhaps not in the manner the mainstream media and international financiers would have us believe…

I would point out that under normal global economic conditions, the Brexit really shouldn’t matter much to anyone outside of the U.K. If the EU was fiscally stable, if its banks were solvent and its national debts well in hand, if the EU was actually a practical and successful supranational body, then the damage done by a British vote to leave the union would be minimal. Of course, this is not the case. As many other independent economic analysts and I have been outlining for years, the European Union is on the verge of economic breakdown. Look at it this way — if financial turmoil in a tiny member state like Greece can cause widespread doubts about the EU’s stability, then there is something fundamentally volatile about the entire structure.

The Brexit matters greatly to the future of the EU because, theoretically, if one of its most prominent members says adios, then other members may do the same. As it stands now, the EU cannot afford to have even one member, economically large or small, drop out of the system.

The Brexit matters to the rest of the world including the U.S. because of the brilliantly-destructive program of interdependency and globalism that has shaped our financial house for decades. Interdependency leads to extreme economic weakness because no piece of the global system has the tools to survive without the other pieces; and on top of this, when one part of the machine goes down, ALL the other parts are affected.

It is a truly horrible and seemingly idiotic system; but not so idiotic if you accept the reality that it is deliberately engineered to fail.

When you examine the fiscal foundations of every major economy in the world today, what you find is a financial shell game. The fundamentals tell us the truth; with global exports and imports in decline, global shipping of raw materials in decline, manufacturing in decline, retail in decline, employment in decline, real unemployment numbers including those people no longer counted by the Labor Department skyrocketing and the number of people on welfare and food stamps skyrocketing.

In reality, the global economy is one massive thin-skinned bubble searching for a sharp object to impale itself on. The Brexit may very well be that sharp object.

Before I go into the various details surrounding Thursday’s vote, I want to state that I am in full support of the British movement to leave the European Union. The reasoning behind a successful Brexit is solid. The European Union’s rabid socialist tendencies have created a doom scenario for all those shackled to the supranational body. Forced multiculturalism and cultural Marxism has opened a floodgate of Islamic refugees which hold ideological beliefs completely incompatible with western principles and heritage while at the same time introducing a massive vampiric drain on the prevailing social welfare systems.

The EU’s governing body is a mostly faceless and unaccountable bureaucracy that hands down legal dictates from on high while the general population of the member states have little or no input. The European Central Bank’s monetary policies support failed financial institutions and fraudulent markets while siphoning tax dollars from stronger and more successful nations in order to feed the debt addictions of weaker countries. The very philosophical engine behind the EU is one of collectivism; it is a system that requires a hive mentality in order to function. Only a fool would WANT to participate in such a political and financial farce.

That said, I think we need to take stock of certain underlying realities.

First, as mentioned earlier, the EU, like most other economies today, is an interdependent structure and is thus designed to fail. The EU is not the golden goose for globalists, it is just another appendage that can be sacrificed or rearranged in order to achieve greater goals. The EU is a means to an end, it is not the ultimate prize.

The ultimate prize for globalists would be a system like the EU with a single currency and a single monetary authority, but this new system would erase all sovereign borders and install a single governmental authority as well.

What does this mean? It means that the failure of the EU does not necessarily mean a failure for the internationalists. For groups of globalists that promote an ideology of Fabian Socialism, a breakdown of the EU, whether partial or total, can be used as leverage for a larger and more centralized global power structure in the long term.  Mark my words, when the system comes crashing down (whether after the Brexit or after another trigger event), internationalists will say that the EU failed not because it was centralized, but because it was not centralized ENOUGH.

Even though I support the Brexit movement based on the principle that supranational unions are a heinous affliction upon free individuals and nations, I have no illusions that a successful Brexit vote will actually harm the globalists. In fact, they may very well desire the U.K. to leave the EU.

Why? As noted, the global economy is on the verge of implosion. The ONLY elements of the system that are not yet crashing are stock markets. This is because stock markets do not in any way reflect the fundamentals of the economy, they only reflect investor perceptions of the economy. Perceptions can be manipulated for a time, and public psychology can be subdued by false optimism and lies. It can take years for a population to psychologically accept the idea that they are in the midst of a recession or depression. Therefore, it can take years for stock markets to finally reflect the legitimate dangers within the economy.

Central banks at the behest of globalist institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the Bank For International Settlements have spent incredible amounts of capital and energy managing public perception. Through subversive monetary policies, they have weakened national economies to the point of collapse, and this collapse is meant to create enough chaos to inspire the masses through fear to support greater centralization.

While certain banking institutions may fall, the bankers themselves have no intention of taking any blame for the inevitable collapse.

If you examine modern history (the past century), you will find in the aftermath of every crisis that globalist organizations have consistently blamed nationalism and sovereignty while promoting socialism and centralization as the most civilized solution. That is to say, globalists create widespread war and financial terror, blame conservative ideals such as sovereignty, then argue that such ideals must be eradicated for the greater good of the greater number.

We have to be honest in our exploration of the Brexit event and admit that in this case the globalists win either way.

If the Brexit succeeds, the globalists can allow the market systems they have been inflating for years to finally crash. They can then blame those dastardly “far-Right extremists” in the U.K. for triggering a domino effect within the global financial system, conveniently scapegoating British conservatives, moderates and sovereigns for a breakdown that was going to happen eventually anyway. Their solution will once again be to argue for the end of “barbaric” conservative principles and install complete centralization and socialism as the cure.

If the Brexit fails, or if it is a controlled fake out, they can artificially boost markets for perhaps another month while distracting the public away from the negative fundamentals yet again.

We should also not overlook the possibility that the referendum vote may be rigged one way or the other. Current polls indicate a tie between the “Leave” crowd and the “Remain” crowd. Any vote this close is the easiest kind of vote to rig a few percentage points to either side.

I believe the Brexit vote may be allowed to succeed, here’s why…

1) Elites including George Soros have suddenly decided to dive into the market to place bets on the negative side. Dumping large portions of their stock holdings, shorting equities and buying up gold and gold mining shares. Soros has been preparing his portfolio for a successful Brexit vote while at the same time publicly warning of the supposed dire consequences if the referendum passes.  The last time Soros put this much capital into the markets was in 2007, just before the crash of 2008.

2) The IMF and the BIS have been warning since late 2015 (for six to eight months) that a global economic downturn is on the way in 2016. We saw considerable volatility at the beginning of this year, and markets are due for another shock. The last time the BIS and IMF were so adamant about an impending crash was in late 2007, just before the 2008 market plunge.

3) While the Federal Reserve has not yet implemented a second rate hike (I still believe they could use a rate hike this year to stab markets in the back if necessary), Janet Yellen pulled a maneuver which was almost as upsetting to investors. After the Fed policy meeting last week, markets were moderately exuberant and stocks were rising, then, Yellen opened her mouth and blamed the Brexit for the rate hike delay…

Here is what the Fed has done: By delaying the second hike for another month, and then blaming the Brexit vote as a primary reason, they have created a bit of a paradox. If the Brexit vote passes, the Fed is asserting that they may not hike rates for a while, giving market investors the impression that the global economic recovery is not all that it is cracked up to be. If the Brexit vote fails, then the Fed MUST hike rates in July, otherwise, they lose all credibility. I believe Yellen’s claim that the Brexit vote was the cause of the hike delay was highly deliberate. It has triggered what may become a growing firestorm in equities and commodities.

From the point of view of investors, if the Brexit passes, then all hell breaks loose. If the Brexit fails, then the Fed will hike rates and once again, all hell breaks loose. Or, the Fed refuses to hike rates even though its number one scapegoat is out of the picture, it loses all credibility, and all hell breaks loose.

It’s a lose/lose/lose scenario for the investment world, which is probably why global markets plunged after Yellen’s remarks. Investors have been relying on the predictability of central bank intervention for so long that now when ANY uncertainty arises, they run for the hedges.

The Fed decision to blame the Brexit for their rate hike delay could indicate foreknowledge of a successful Brexit vote.

4) The recent murder of British lawmaker Jo Cox is perhaps the weirdest piece in the puzzle of the Brexit. For one thing, it makes no sense for a pro-Brexit nationalist (Thomas Mair) to attack and kill a pro-EU lawmaker when the polls for the “Leave” group were clearly ahead. One could simply argue that the guy was nuts, but I’m rather suspicious of “lone gunman,” and his insanity has yet to be proven.  I see no reason for this man, insane or not, to be angry enough to kill while the Brexit side was winning in all the polls.

If someone was using him as a weapon only to discredit the Brexit vote or sway the public towards staying in the EU, you would think that they would have initiated the murder closer to the day of the referendum when it would have the most effect. The information flooded public has days to digest new data and forget Jo Cox.

My theory? Thomas Mair has handlers or he is just a mentally disturbed patsy, and his purpose is indeed to paint the Brexit movement as “angry” or crazy. But this does not necessarily mean the intent behind the assassination of Jo Cox was to break the back of the Brexit movement. Rather, the goal may only be to perpetuate a longer term narrative that conservatives in general are a destructive element of society. We kill, we’re racists, we have an archaic mindset that prevents “progress,” we divide supranational unions, we even destroy global economies. We’re storybook monsters.

Even the cultural Marxists at the Southern Poverty Law Center somehow produced documents allegedly linking Mair (a veritable unknown) to Neo-Nazi groups in 1999. Wherever the SPLC is involved, the official story is always skewed.

The murder of Jo Cox has had a minimal effect on Brexit polling numbers.  In the end, the elites may find Thomas Mair more useful as a mascot for the Brexit AFTER the vote, rather than before the vote.

So now the Brexit movement, which is conservative in spirit, is labeled a “divisive” and “hateful group”, and if the referendum is triumphant, they will also be called economic saboteurs.

There is also the possibility that the Brexit is yet another fake out. We have seen many of them over the past few years. So many in fact that a lot of analysts in the Liberty Movement have grown pretty cynical, as if the system could be propped up forever. The issue is always, of course, one of timing. All fundamentals indicate that the global economy is going down regardless of what central banks and international financiers do in the long run. The only question is whether or not they feel it is time to pull the plug on one of the last remaining bubbles (stocks). A successful Brexit could be a perfect scapegoat for the next leg down in the economy, or it could be a perfect placebo to boost markets for a short time if it fails. In either case, I have no doubt that the outcome has already been decided.

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In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.


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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2016, 07:07:03 PM »
Good write-up JoJo.

Will be sitting with the popcorn here in Sothern England watching to see how it plays out.

As I hope I said. I am reporting as much factual info on how it is playing out as it happens here.

Since I am watching it happen locally as it happens I do not want to come across as trying to predict what is going to happen. I am only reporting on the factual conditions of what the state of affairs are in this region.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2016, 09:04:19 AM »
Thank you Gadget for reporting from the ground in the UK. You are giving us a view that we are not seeing on the tely or reading here in the States.  :bravo:
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2016, 11:58:19 AM »

Time for another update.

Since the vote there has been a steep rise in nationalistic abuse aimed at anyone that is foreign and not white. This is a worrisome trend that has deep implications.

Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party made a completely embarrassing speech in the EU Parliament

The two prime political parties are in absolute turmoil. I do not see this as showing a good future.

The country is split and While there is not fighting, it resembles the balkinisation fears of some.

I made the comment to a friend that it was interesting to be an observer to a nation that commits suicide. They of course thought that the comment was to strong.

What is becoming clear is the many of the talking heads that champagned for to brexit vote only did so for political expediency. They did not believe it would go through with the hope of winning the votes of disgruntled citizens when it did not turn their way. Now that the vote went their way. They have been completely silent or ineffectual.

When asked about their plan for the transition, they have no answers.

So in reality there was and is no plan.

Interesting times here.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2016, 02:53:37 PM »
Yikes.  Watching the news out of Britain has been interesting and not a little scary.  It could easily happen here, too, with someone like Trump.  Let's hope more rational, less-hate-based heads prevail.
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2016, 05:06:09 PM »
I know my comments WILL ruffle some feathers but what the heck.

At this point in time I am not voting for Mr. Trump nor Mrs. Clinton and I am concerned with a few positions that Mr. Johnson has. So in essence I am a man without a candidate.

Mr. Trump in my mind is a bit to Nationalistic and to be quite frank Progressive lite. (Yes I used the word lite so no grammar Nazis please). Based on many comments (Not some) he does not have a clear working understanding of the US Constitution and the accompanying Bill of Rights. For you 2A guys and gals, I think he would use the second Amendment as a bargaining chip and we would not be better off than if we voted for Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton, is very dishonest. I do not want to bore the reader as you know all of the baggage she brings to the campaign. The third rail for supporting her is quite simply the 2A and whom she nominate for the SCOTUS. Even with her colored past I would give her a second look but for those issues. Sorry folks and I do not wish to lecture however 99.99% of the legal gun owners in this country handle their tools with caution and respect.

Mr. Johnson seems (To me) that he is taking this run for the job as President lightly. He is also not solid on 2A.

Bottom-line, we are moving towards a recession that will be deep enough to call it a depression within the next 6-18 months. Whom ever is President, will be dealt a bad set of playing cards regardless; consequently,  I pray for any leader who is elected to that job.

Now with all of that trash written, we have four months to the election and anything can happen.  :dancingGrenade:

As a side note: I am thinking that many of the forum members could give a rats ass as to the politics in the USofA. Sorry folks for all of the space we are giving to that subject.

What is happening in your world is just as important as ours, so do not hesitate writing about that too.  All of the US folks on this forum can learn a bunch of what is going down in your neck of the woods.  :pirateThumbUp:

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2016, 07:06:09 PM »
JM, gotta agree with you. 

Trump--  more ego than anything, lots of grand results in his head but no idea how to get there.

hiLIARy, as big a crook as Nixon but in a dress.

As far as the rest of it all, Get In, Sit Down, Shut Up, Hang On.

It going to be one helluva ride.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2016, 09:22:17 PM »
If you think your comments would ruffle feathers wait until you read mine.
 There is no way I would vote for HilLIARy, she stands for everything I’m against and against everything I am for.
 Now for the Donald. He is not for everything  I am for but he is against everything I am against.  I feel we need a Leader who will not be cowered by the press or  bigoted democrats calling him a raciest or some other phobia. The democrats are scared to death of him, he’s had dealings with a lot of them and know where they can be hurt.
 Yes he was a democrat at one time but so was Ronald Reagan. Reagan was also president of the screen actors guild union.
 He is against political correctness an if you look at my signature at the bottom of the page you well see that I am also.
  There never will be a candidate that is your perfect choice , you have to pick the one who you agree with most and disagree with least.
For me it’s the Donald but I sure wish it was Gingrich. Maybe he’ll be Vice President.
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2016, 06:23:18 AM »
Gadget, thanks for your continued reporting from the other side of the pond  :pirateThumbUp:

My feeling has always been that the EU is the canary in the coal mine. What is going on over there is what will happen in the United States.

On another note: Has anybody noticed an increase of military hardware being moved around of late? I will start a new subject for this observation.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2016, 10:53:55 PM »

Time for another update.

Since the vote there has been a steep rise in nationalistic abuse aimed at anyone that is foreign and not white. This is a worrisome trend that has deep implications.

Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party made a completely embarrassing speech in the EU Parliament

The two prime political parties are in absolute turmoil. I do not see this as showing a good future.

The country is split and While there is not fighting, it resembles the balkinisation fears of some.

I made the comment to a friend that it was interesting to be an observer to a nation that commits suicide. They of course thought that the comment was to strong.

What is becoming clear is the many of the talking heads that champagned for to brexit vote only did so for political expediency. They did not believe it would go through with the hope of winning the votes of disgruntled citizens when it did not turn their way. Now that the vote went their way. They have been completely silent or ineffectual.

When asked about their plan for the transition, they have no answers.

So in reality there was and is no plan.

Interesting times here.

Hello Gadget. As an Englishman, could you condense down and give me a few quick bullet points as to why you wanted Britian to remain in the EU?


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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2016, 03:15:32 AM »
Let me put the thoughts together and I will try and condense down my viewpoints on this so very complex subject.

Prior to that let me post a disclaimer though.

I was not against the idea of Brexit until recently. The closer we got to the vote I began to realise that those that were advocating the exit were not providing what would expected to show that there was a good plan on how it could be accomplished without damaging this country that I now call home.

Also please understand that I am reporting things as I see them here through a hit of a tinted lens. I am an old soldier so I view the would with a critical eye towards risk and danger. By no means take my viewpoints as whole Gospel. If there are alternate views please please voice them to temper my observations.

The UK does have the potential to maintain it's high position in the world if those in the leadership plan well and make good choices.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2016, 07:06:22 AM »
The thing that worried me most about the Leavers was their extreme racism and actual use of Nazi propaganda techniques.  The surge in hate crimes since the vote is quite disturbing.  That and the extreme nationalism that leads to isolation and war.

It's the same jingoistic, racist talk that Trumpers use, as if because the blowhard says these awful, xenophobic things in public it's all of a sudden ok to be a bigot.  He's also advocating that same nationalistic "exceptionalism" bullcrap that has no basis in reality.  We're a big country with some sound principles in the Constitution, but that doesn't make us any more special as humans than those in, say, Canada, or South Africa, or Ecuador. We just have the luck of being born into different circumstances and a lot of wealth (as a country).

I severely distrust and dislike the Leave and Trump campaigns' use of supremacist language and their complete lack of care for facts or education.  Not to mention Leave's immediate 180* on the money going to the NHS, their unwillingness to trigger the process for leaving, and the chaos that is happening in the UK's government.  I mean, they're almost certain to lose Scotland now, and probably Northern Ireland, too, and who knows how that's going to affect them.  Trump has the same willingness to lie to rile up the populace that Farage and his ilk did/do.  (If anyone thinks that a wall on our southern border is ever going to be built, well, I have a bridge to sell them.)

I get that the EU is problematic.  I do.  If I thought this decision had been based on rational, thoughtful debate over the merits of membership in such a large trade union, over actual governance issues, well, I wouldn't have agreed with the decision, but it wouldn't concern me half so much.  But the fanaticism displayed by the Leavers and the Trumpers is distressing.

If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente


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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2016, 02:35:41 PM »
Ok... I will give it a try on explaining why I have been critical of the Brexit vote.

Bad timing. The UK has come a long way in repairing the damage of the 2008 mess. Yet there was much work to be done yet.

The UK over successive administrations from the 70s to now has had its heart destroyed. The industrial powerhouse has been decimated.

The UK was in a very well engineered position where companies and industry could be based here to allow access to the EU market with benefits.

The UK was semi insulated from problems in the EU with tough negotiated concessions.

The whole champaign for leaving the EU was based upon half truths and some would say lies.

The UK currently relies upon imports to keep the power stations running.

If there had been a well planned strategy for going it alone. I would not view things as they are.

To make this work well.bthe UK government needs to spend massive amounts to bring the industries that have layed dormant for decades back online.

The UK should have done most of the prep work prior to taking the vote so it could negotiate from a position of strength.

I could fill a book on this subject. Yet am trying to condense it here.

Don't get me wrong. I am all for a nation standing on its own merits. Yet I am worried when a nation takes a choice like this based upon sound bites.

This is akin to what probably will happen in the states soon.

Hillary will be elected president because it is cool to have the first female as president.

Cheers dude.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2016, 07:48:34 AM »
@ Grudgie, just to clarify; Gadget is an American Expat solider NOT an "Englishman" who has chosen to retire in GB.  ;)

@ Wellie, I do not mind Nationalism as long as it is tempered and used for good. Some examples of Nationalism was the period following
     9/11 or the attack on Pearl Harbor. There are others of course like the period following the assassination of JFK, Bobbie and MLK.

     I am forming a new group - CAT! Constitutionalists Against Trump.  :troutSlap: Just remember we are ~four months
     away from the election. Anything can happen.

@ Gadget, "This is akin to what probably will happen in the states soon." Yupper  :thumbsUp:
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2016, 09:28:17 PM »
I am forming a new group - CAT! Constitutionalists Against Trump.  :troutSlap:

In elections like this one, a simple truth is, if you are against one candidate, you are for the other candidate.  There is no way around that because either Hillary or Donald WILL BE the next president.  The options are:

1)Vote for a candidate.
2)Vote against a candidate.
3) To not vote.  (Option 3 is kind of deceiving.  Due to the fact that the Democrats start any national election with a lead due to the political alignments of each of the states, not voting is actually a vote for Hillary.  Just as the reason that we've had Obama for 8 years is due to those constitutionalists and conservatives who decided to not vote in elections he was running in.)

So those are your choices.  Once again the American experiment is going to be interesting to watch.  Personally, while I hope for the best, I expect to be living with a lot of unpleasantness in the next 4 to 8 years.       

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #42 on: July 03, 2016, 06:33:28 AM »
Personally, while I hope for the best, I expect to be living with a lot of unpleasantness in the next 4 to 8 years.

Yep! I think that's true for us and the UK. Brexit has certainly caused its own brand of upheaval!
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #43 on: July 03, 2016, 09:45:03 AM »
@ Sledge: Another option is to vote but leave the Presidential portion of the ballot empty.  ;)
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2016, 11:46:57 AM »
@ Sledge: Another option is to vote but leave the Presidential portion of the ballot empty.  ;)

JM,  Isn't that the same as number 3?  Just saying.   :)

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #45 on: July 03, 2016, 02:29:17 PM »
@ Sledge: Another option is to vote but leave the Presidential portion of the ballot empty.  ;)

JM,  Isn't that the same as number 3?  Just saying.   :)

 Yes your right Sledge. What people fail to realize is that your not voting for Trump your voting on the next three Supreme Court  Justices. If the Republicans lose it will be forty years before we will have a chance to get our freedom back. 
 The reasoning for saying forty years because that's how long it took to put a partial halt but not eliminate the raciest bigoted policy of affirmative action.
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #46 on: July 03, 2016, 03:35:53 PM »
...What people fail to realize is that your not voting for Trump your voting on the next three Supreme Court  Justices. If the Republicans lose it will be forty years before we will have a chance to get our freedom back...

Just remember, by sitting this one out, you're refusing to lift a finger to help prevent Horror Show Hillary from taking office for a 4 year minimum...where she will inevitably wave her broomstick and appoint what might as well be a life sentence of every sort of leftist judicial fuckery imaginable.

Very good point there JoJo.  I think you just convinced this politically cynical 40+ year old to register and vote (for Trump while holding my nose) for the first time in my life.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 06:23:15 PM by special-k »
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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #47 on: July 03, 2016, 10:13:11 PM »
vote (for Trump while holding my nose) for the first time in my life.

while leaning out of the booth and flipping the last lever with my 6 foot hiking stick.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #48 on: July 04, 2016, 01:11:12 PM »
The justices issue now has me perplexed. I'm going to stew over that problem for a while.

I've been pretty insistent on voting for Gary Johnson. He is NOT the Libertarian candidate I would have picked, but he is better than either Trump or Hillary IMHO, and if he is able to get 15% then the LP will, for the first time in U.S. history, be a reckoning force at the political negotiating table. I'm not sure that Trump is really that much different than Hillary. How many times has his previous views contrasted with his current ones? How many times have we seen pictures/video of him being extremely friendly and intimate with the Clintons and other politicians whose morals he claims to abhor and oppose? I fear that the conservative side will vote for Trump, and that if he is elected his promises will turn out to be worthless.

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Re: Brexit vote - June 23/24
« Reply #49 on: July 04, 2016, 01:12:05 PM »
JoJo, as a Georgia resident, I'm going to tell you that Newt Gingrich is NOT a person you want to be Prez.

Gadget, thank you for all the info you're giving. It really paints a clearer picture for us.