Author Topic: Blood In The Streets  (Read 2111 times)

Offline Nemo

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Blood In The Streets
« on: July 19, 2019, 11:27:55 PM »
at or shortly in the next phase?


Opinion: Washington Secrets
Pew: 91% Democrats see violence next in war of words
by Paul Bedard  | July 19, 2019 08:17 AM

After a week that saw President Trump and his foes toss toxic words at each other, there is now a warning that the next phase could be “violence.”

Nearly 8 of 10 Americans told the Pew Research Center that supporters for both sides could “act” on the politically charged rhetoric with violence. It was higher for Democrats, 91%, than Republicans, 61%.

And they want politicians to cool it.

“Americans broadly agree that elected officials should avoid using heated language because it could encourage violence. Nearly three-quarters of Americans (73%) say this, while just a quarter believe that elected officials 'Should be able to use heated language to express themselves without worrying about whether some people may act on what they say,'” warned the center.

“While majorities in both parties say officials should avoid heated language, this view is more widely held among Democrats (83%) than Republicans (61%),” it added.

Trump is cited by a majority for stirring up the situation, but, like anything “Washington” today, there is partisan division.

Said Pew, “Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents overwhelmingly (84%) say Trump has changed political discourse for the worse. About half of Republicans and Republican leaners (49%) say he has changed it for the better, while 23% say he has changed it for the worse and 27% say he hasn’t changed it much either way.”
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JoJo

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Re: Blood In The Streets
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2019, 08:37:44 AM »
 The democrats along with the MSD has always used violent rhetoric against Republicans and nothing was ever said. The Republicans pussyed up and never responded but now we have President Trump who pushes back and they don't like it.
 The extreme left democrat party has already been using violence. The AntiFa and Black Lives Matter are just two groups using it. It's just that real Americans haven't started to fight back yet. 
 The real violence will start when the IG says his report is finished and hasn't been made public yet. And where is his report?!

 As for the PEW report; fighting back is NOT change for the worse unless you are a radical democrat.
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Blood In The Streets
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2019, 02:28:38 PM »
We all know what we think is going to happen in the near future but none of us really know until it happens. My thoughts are that things are going to get unbelievably hostile and the Liberal side is clearly the instigator. It will not end well. It must end one of two ways. 1. Russia was taken over in 1917 by the Communist while only 10% of the population were Communists. They convinced the public to back their play by being useful idiots. The Liberals are just Communists who are trying to do exactly the same thing the Russians did. I firmly believe that there are no more than 15% of our population that are radical Liberals. It is entirely possible that they might succeed because people as a group aren't smart. If they were smart, they would all be Preppers. 2. The second thing that might happen is the Liberals will start a violent fight that they can't win because the Conservative side is fully armed and will prevail.

None of us want to put people in prison because they are political opponents but that just might happen, regardless of who wins. I'm convinced that Preppers have the best chance to survive what is coming but even Preppers will be in a very dangerous position.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Blood In The Streets
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2019, 03:41:16 PM »
We do have an inkling of what to expect. It is what happened in the late 1960's and early 1970's by the Black Panthers, Weather Underground, et cetera. The difference will be the mischief done will be 10X more violent and spread more across the country then that four or five year period. Living in a small hamlet will not protect you and your family.

One piece of history to become educated on is the time leading up to, during, and post the Spanish Civil War.
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Offline grizz

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Re: Blood In The Streets
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2019, 03:59:48 PM »
We all know what we think is going to happen in the near future but none of us really know until it happens. My thoughts are that things are going to get unbelievably hostile and the Liberal side is clearly the instigator. It will not end well. It must end one of two ways. 1. Russia was taken over in 1917 by the Communist while only 10% of the population were Communists. They convinced the public to back their play by being useful idiots. The Liberals are just Communists who are trying to do exactly the same thing the Russians did. I firmly believe that there are no more than 15% of our population that are radical Liberals. It is entirely possible that they might succeed because people as a group aren't smart. If they were smart, they would all be Preppers. 2. The second thing that might happen is the Liberals will start a violent fight that they can't win because the Conservative side is fully armed and will prevail.

None of us want to put people in prison because they are political opponents but that just might happen, regardless of who wins. I'm convinced that Preppers have the best chance to survive what is coming but even Preppers will be in a very dangerous position.

The 2.5 possibility is the left starts something small as they are currently doing, they get away with it while at the same time put blame in the right. MANY on the right fear personal, legal action or threat of loosing their jobs if they get "branded" as someone on the right so they avoid conversation and actions to "fight" back. And in the blink of an eye we will be under communist rule because not enough people stood up to fight.

Yeah the preppers will be somewhat better off, at least for a little while until the govt catches up to them but the Country as it was originally formed will be lost and within two generations all our history will be forgotten because the new leaders will prevent it from being taught.
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Offline Erick

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Re: Blood In The Streets
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2019, 04:42:53 PM »

The 2.5 possibility is the left starts something small as they are currently doing, they get away with it while at the same time put blame in the right. MANY on the right fear personal, legal action or threat of loosing their jobs if they get "branded" as someone on the right so they avoid conversation and actions to "fight" back. And in the blink of an eye we will be under communist rule because not enough people stood up to fight.

This is exactly why they engage in the terror campaign they do.. and that is exactly what is ..
By that I dont just mean street violence... but the job loss campaigns etc. Gavin McGinnes is a broken man...

But if you think its bad now, when they "only" hold the house, the media and (most) of the judiciary, we (kinda) hold the Senate and the Executive and are still armed to the teeth...
Think about it.. if they treat us this way now ...

Then just Imagine what they will do once they hold all centers of power and we are disarmed and the highly politicized AOC style descendants of the illegals make up an ever bigger portion of the population, especially young males.
These people are conditioned by the Left to hate us. Not just to disagree with us, but literally to hate us for wanting to keep our rights and heritage... so basically for just existing.

And there is only one way for them to satiate this kind of hate.

Think about it,..
"Re Education Camps" are the least of our worries...   political mass murder is an ever growing realistic threat to our future.

Just think of the Chinese revolution orchestrated by the same kind of forces as we now have on the left..
over 100 million Chinese died from political homicide in that decade..
.....these guys, even "respectable left", are way way worse than Hitler.

We are basically the Jews and an even more evil and even more competent Hitler is rising in our country.
....Except unlike them,  we can't leave.. we have no place to go... No place of even theoretical refuge..

So we have no CHOICE but to be active and push back ...doing what Nemo is doing, getting out there no matter what the personal risk..

Donating REAL money to organizations that are bulwarks.. judicial watch, project veritas, numbersusa.

Don't buy that nice new truck you been eyeing donate the money to committed pro american organizations like  listed above instead.
Yes i know, its a tough pill to swallow, but this is where we are..

Also you can infiltrate enemy forums (like the daily kos.... always use a VPN).. post the normal nonsensical leftist stuff for a while.. then stir up trouble and manipulate the scene in there to lessen the fun and sense of community for them.. Troll them while still being a "good" leftist.

There are different ways to be active,.. pick one and do it!

Don't be that nice German jewish grandfather survivor who just wanted to get along and mind his own business having to explain to his grandkids after the holocaust that he didnt do anything because he was afraid to stick out his neck because his car or house might get vandalized or it might risk his job?...

except this would be worse... because no other countries are coming to our rescue.  We, the USA are it.
GB, France, germany etc are already even further down the poison path than we are.......

and his grandkids he is trying to explain to... they the survisors will be a hated and abused minority in perpetuity in their own country... .

... in one really knew about the coming holocaust.. yet we now know everything...
No excuses!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 05:49:07 PM by Erick »
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?

Offline grizz

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Re: Blood In The Streets
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2019, 05:42:00 PM »

The 2.5 possibility is the left starts something small as they are currently doing, they get away with it while at the same time put blame in the right. MANY on the right fear personal, legal action or threat of loosing their jobs if they get "branded" as someone on the right so they avoid conversation and actions to "fight" back. And in the blink of an eye we will be under communist rule because not enough people stood up to fight.

This is exactly why they engage in the terror campaign they do.. and that is exactly what is ..
By that I dont just mean street violence... but the job loss campaigns etc. Gavin McGinnes is a broken man...

But if you think its bad now, when they "only" hold the house, the media and (most) of the judiciary, we (kinda) hold the Senate and the Executive and are still armed to the teeth...
Think about it.. if they treat us this way now ...

Then just Imagine what they will do once they hold all centers of power and we are disarmed and the highly politicized AOC style descendants of the illegals make up an ever bigger portion of the population, especially young males.
These people are conditioned by the Left to hate us. Not just to disagree with us, but literally to hate us for wanting to keep our rights and heritage... so basically for just existing.

And there is only one way for them to satiate this kind of hate.

Think about it,..
"Re Education Camps" are the least of our worries...   political mass murder is an ever growing realistic threat to our future.

Just think of the Chinese revolution orchestrated by the same kind of forces as we now have on the left..
over 100 million Chinese died from political homicide in that decade..
.....these guys, even "respectable left", are way way worse than Hitler.

We are basically the Jews and an even more evil and even more competent Hitler is rising in our country.
....Except unlike them,  we can't leave.. we have no place to go... No place of even theoretical refuge..

So we have no CHOICE but to be active ...doing what Nemo is doing, getting out there no matter what the personal risk..

Donating REAL money to organizations that are bulwarks.. judicial watch, project veritas, numbersusa.

Don't buy that nice new truck you been eyeing donate the money to committed pro american organizations like  listed above instead.
Yes i know, its a tough pill to swallow, but this is where we are..

Also you can infiltrate enemy forums (like the daily kos.... always use a VPN).. post the normal nonsensical leftist stuff for a while.. then stir up trouble and manipulate the scene in there to lessen the fun and sense of community for them.. Troll them while still being a "good" leftist.

There are different ways to be active,.. pick one and do it!

Don't be that nice German jewish grandfather survivor who just wanted to get along and mind his own business having to explain to his grandkids after the holocaust that he didnt do anything because he was afraid to stick out his neck as he might lose his job...

except this would be worse... because no other countries are coming to our rescue.  We, the USA are it.
GB, France, germany etc are already even further down the poison path than we are.......

and his grandkids he is trying to explain to... they the survisors will be a hated and abused minority in perpetuity in their own country... .

... in one really knew about the coming holocaust.. yet we now know everything...
No excuses!

Amen brother
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Offline JoJo

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Re: Blood In The Streets
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2019, 08:18:48 PM »
One piece of history to become educated on is the time leading up to, during, and post the Spanish Civil War.

This site has been taken down.
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.