I completely agree with her about the national sales tax, and that was my concern about the 999 plan to begin with, not only would it mean I would be paying a nearly 20% tax on everything I buy in state, but we all know that new taxes pretty much never go away, and "temporary" taxes are often permanent.
And about Cain's relationship with the federal reserve, I am a big believer in what I've heard of as the "80% concept", which says that if you agree with about 80% of what a politician says, even if you disagree with other things, you should probably vote for him. I don't like the federal reserve, but most of what I'm hearing from Cain, I like. I still prefer Ron Paul, as I'm sure everyone else here does, but if he doesn't get the nomination, which I don't think he will, and Cain does, I'm voting for him.
And as for Bachman's 666 comment ...