August 2011 Unemployment rates by state was just released. To check out your state or the state you want to move to click on: summary the five worst states were:
Nevada 13.4% (up 50 Bpnts since July)
California 12.1% (Up 10 Bpnts since July)
Michigan 11.2% (Up 30 Bonts since July)
South Carolina 11.1% (Up 20 Bpnts since Juy)
Florida 10.7% (No change from July)
The five best were:
North Dakota 3.5% (Up 20 Bpnts since July)
Nebraska 4.2% (No change from July)
South Dakota 4.7% (No change from July)
New Hampshire 5.3% (Up 10 Bpnts from July)
Oklahoma 5.6% (No change from July)
Last, please check out the metropolitan area's on the chart- Los Angles, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, New York City, Cleavland and Seattle.