Author Topic: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.  (Read 2061 times)

Offline rah45

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Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« on: May 23, 2012, 07:47:55 PM »
I was on FB for a few minutes, just browsing through the usual non-life-changing banter, when I had an inspiration to write. I just started typing, and kept on for a while, eventually revising my "rough draft" and submitting for review by the public, not just friends (which is my default setting). I haven't received one comment on it by anyone, though it has been a couple of hours, and I have a good number of friends on FB. I post this for your review, but am also curious...what strategies have you used on social networking sites to forward the ideas of liberty and prepping? I'm not talking subtle hints...I mean the communication of hardcore explanations, feeding the information to the masses in a manner in which they can understand. Below is my post on FB.

Quote of the moment: "Resistance to tyranny, is obedience to God."

Regardless of your religious beliefs, and supernatural entities aside, I believe that resistance to tyranny is the obligation of any freedom-loving society. Its members, regardless of their differences, should be not only willing, but able (i.e., have the tools AND the skills necessary) to intervene against "any form of tyranny over the mind of man." The Founding Fathers' generation didn't embrace the notion of fighting for African Americans' liberties, and there were other things they either couldn't agree on or didn't address - we've come a long way. However, as a nation and culture, we've mellowed. If you ask someone today if he/she loves freedom (what little is left in this nation today), he will most likely say yes. If you ask if he would risk his life to stand against tyranny, he might say yes. If you ask him if he would willingly kill another human being to preserve the natural liberties of himself or another, he will probably remain silent.

This is because resistance to tyranny and self-sacrifice for a noble cause are ingrained into the American national persona via the media and basic American history (some would call its method of presentation by government-related entities, "propaganda"), but being determined enough, "savage" enough, to destroy someone who knowingly and willingly threatens the freedoms of you and/or those you care for, is an action not propagated by these mediums, and is something that many Americans do not seem to consider as a valid option. The recognition of the fact that in order to seize (yes, I used the correct term, "seize: to possess or take by force") liberty you must be willing to kill those who wish to keep it from you, seems to be a new, and frightening, concept for many people. People like the idea of liberty, but in my experience they do not pay attention to what liberty truly is. Today, it is a buzzword used in the media, in history books, and in movies. It's a feel-good term we've inherited, not a reality, a way of life, that the generation of 1776 fought to retain. We've not known such a desperate struggle for generations - the Civil War was the closest we've come since the Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War veterans did not fight a "nice" war (if there could be such a thing). They were ruthless when they had to be. They fought dirty for liberty. Trenton is a perfect example - Washington and his troops violated the "rules," for freedom. They attacked the enemy on Christmas Day, killing the enemy in his sleep and not giving him a chance to fight back. Examine the successful struggles for independence throughout history, and you will see that the "underdog" fighting against the commanding authority fights ferociously , without mercy when necessary. They are conflicts that involve soldiers and noncombatants alike.

Once a republic begins a decline, history shows that stopping the process is improbable. I believe that a decline begins two or three generations after the generation that fought to achieve liberty. People forget what was necessary to achieve it, and over time it becomes less of a national heartbeat, if you will, and more like a textbook national legacy that future generations take for granted. These generations do not really consider the fact that the actions by the first generation can be undone. They cannot truly understand the circumstances that led to the actions and sacrifices of that first generation. That feeling of desperation, that comes with the feeling of having your back against the wall, of it being the moment of "do or die" in the struggle to have a freedom of choice and freedom of action, has passed. The third or fourth generations begin to slip, teaching their children and grandchildren fewer and fewer lessons and skills necessary to maintain true liberty. After the slide to ruin begins, it increases in intensity until it is a vehicle rushing to its ruin. The only way to interrupt the cycle is to make the populace educated, make them understand why an undying struggle against tyrannical behavior is necessary for each generation to pursue. Make them understand not only the logic, but the feeling, that desperation to RESIST, to DEFEND, to KILL for liberty, not just the buzzword, but the actual thing. The freedom to effectively and peacefully voice your grievances against your government without fear of reprisal. The freedom to live your life as you see fit, as long as you do not infringe on the freedom of others.

I do not know how the majority of the populace, seemingly ignorant of the true source of the dire state of this nation (the loss of much personal liberty and initiative, replaced by increasing government intervention), can be made to understand the importance of reclaiming those freedoms gained by America's founding generations, even if it means joining together with those with whom you normally would not associate. Possibly the greatest impediment to the restoration of liberty are the divisions among Americans, whether they be racial, cultural, religious, etc. The only thing that EVER made any of us American in the traditional sense of that term, was a willingness to join with others to fight not only for our own liberties, but those of our fellow Americans. Everyone seems to place importance on the top of the pyramid of priorities (our own wants and desires catered to our personal life experiences), rather than the base on which the whole rests: liberty by the people, and for the people. Ultimately, all you and I have is one another. Without the strength of numbers, without the willingness to petition for your fellow Americans' freedoms, without the determination to risk your life to defend those freedoms and if necessary kill those who would try to take them, we are not a nation. We are too different, from "sea to shining sea." Some are more independent than others, some believe opposing religions, and some have social and cultural norms that are just too different to pleasantly coexist. We extend across an entire continent. There is nothing else that connects us together as Americans, nothing except the desire for freedom. Without this, without the will of Georgians to fight, politically or militarily, for the liberties of Pennsylvanians, or of New Mexicans to fight, politically or militarily, for the freedoms of Alaskans, we are nothing.

I'm not a badass. I'm not a Navy SEAL. I'm not the "best" at anything. I'm average. However, I know that my freedoms came at a price, and that it costs a price to maintain them. I am willing to stand with others who are different than I am in order to guarantee liberty for myself, my posterity...and them and their posterity. I desire to feel a part of American society, instead of feeling like I am grouped into a clique that is permanently separated by cultural or religious differences, or some other social gulf. I only desire for ALL Americans to be like me in this one aspect: be willing to fight for my freedoms, as I am for yours. Don't get more complicated than this. It's a simple request, and simple to answer. Are you willing to participate in peaceful protests and petition your representatives on behalf of my freedoms? Are you willing to grab a rifle and come to my aid if government enforcers attempt to violate my rights though I've done nothing wrong, though I have not infringed on the liberties of any others? More importantly, think about this: if you wouldn't do it for me, do you really think that I, or anyone else for that matter, would be willing to do it for you? "Join, or Die," states Benjamin Franklin's separated serpent. Joined, we are strong. Separate, we will be conquered one by one, forced into submission by any strong force that seeks to dominate others' will and efforts to its own agenda. See the increasing government controls? Observing the attempt to completely control the healthcare? Witnessing the move via the NDAA to empower the military to incarcerate American citizens without a trial by their peers, all in the name of national security? Connecting the dots to similar moves by governments such as Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, using propaganda and fear to justify killing millions, all in the name of national security? Same strategies, strategies that WORKED, except in a different day.

A person loves liberty, true liberty, not only for himself but for all others he encounters, because if he is not willing to fight, to die, to kill for their liberties, no one will do the same for him. If you do not fight for yours and others' liberty, you'll lose it, and you'll watch this fading light, the promise of America, one of mankind's greatest hopes and social experiments, disappear...maybe forever. Current technology, military especially, turns this world into something else - history cannot predict if liberty would rise again, not with the ability to link across the globe for "interests of humanity," not with the ability to fly drones and satellites, using their thermal and infrared vision, and their ability to zoom in from miles away to view in minute detail, everything you do "for your own safety." If you abandon your responsibilities now, if you relinquish the weak hold on freedom you still have, I can guarantee you will not get it back, not in this generation...and perhaps never again. There is no unexplored land on Earth left to inhabit. There is no "New World" to "colonize" and through it rediscover and fight for freedom of choice. Figure out how important freedom is to you, I mean REALLY figure it out. Decide if you're willing to do whatever it takes to defend yours and those of your fellow Americans. Understand that ultimately, like many times in human history, "whatever it takes" may include the choice to use greater or equal force to stop someone who tries to take it from you. Understand that this person may be willing to kill you to take it, and that to preserve it you must be willing to do the same. I believe all Americans, whether now, in the past, or in the future, should ask themselves these questions, and analyze just who they are, what they are willing not only to die to protect, but kill with their own hands to defend.

It's time to get serious. Think about it.

Offline Treaded

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2012, 09:00:55 PM »
Wanna see something not cool?  Go to the DHS facebook page:

Click the highlights tab and select Friend Activity - look and learn.

Hmmmmm hm.

Offline NOLA556

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2012, 09:21:54 PM »
Wanna see something not cool?  Go to the DHS facebook page:

Click the highlights tab and select Friend Activity - look and learn.

Hmmmmm hm.

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2012, 09:25:05 PM »
Rah don't mean to hijack the thread but I had to share that with you guys.  The way it works is DHS literally has a hot list of words and any post, status update, etc that contains those words is flagged for their review - set to private or not. 

OPSEC brother, OPSEC.

Offline NOLA556

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2012, 10:34:53 PM »
Rah don't mean to hijack the thread but I had to share that with you guys.  The way it works is DHS literally has a hot list of words and any post, status update, etc that contains those words is flagged for their review - set to private or not. 

OPSEC brother, OPSEC.

treaded, I think this is literally the first thing you've ever posted on these forums that I completely disagree with.

there is no such thing as OPSEC on the internet, and that is made obvious by the link you provided.
of course, this is just my opinion, but IMHO all expectations of ANY kind of OPSEC goes right out the window as soon as you open Firefox (or whatever internet browser you may use). I've heard about proxy servers and whatnot, and it seems like a pretty cool concept, but I just don't have much faith that it's as secure as it sounds. Just my gut instinct, not proven fact.

and Rah, to address your writing. BRAVO brother, bravo.

I think the reason why nobody comments on it is the same reason that we find ourselves in this current situation as a society. Your post is long, and requires half a brain to comprehend, so most people skip past it. It takes too much out of their day to turn the dry rusty gears in their head and think, so they ignore it and skip along to the latest funny clip of a half-retarded person singing like a dying animal on American Idol. Honestly, this is the primary reason why I disagree with EJR and GAP when they talk about reaching out to the Occupy movement and whatnot. I've lost all faith in reaching out to those who are either asleep, or awake but moving in the opposite direction. They are a lost cause. I "share" lots of stuff of FB, interesting and/or important news stories, but rarely to I waste my time writing on there. Very few people give a shit bro. It's sad, but it's reality.
Rome is burning, and Obama is playing the fiddle - GAP

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2012, 10:41:15 PM »
Nola, in this instance I was referring not to trying to hide but to refrain from posting stuff like that on those "social networking" sites.  Rah's post was excellent BTW. 

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2012, 10:46:45 PM »
Rah, You might try that on Google+. FB is too lite and fluffy for concentrated thoughts. Or better yet, right here on SP.

Offline sledge

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2012, 11:05:04 PM »
Wanna see something not cool?  Go to the DHS facebook page:

Click the highlights tab and select Friend Activity - look and learn.

Hmmmmm hm.

Oh Crap!  I followed the link and this is what it had at the top of the page only with my real name..

Sledge posted about Department of Homeland Security in his link.
March 17
ATK Secures .40 Caliber Ammunition Contract with Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration a
2Like ?  ? Share
Sledge I wonder why the Department of Homeland Security needs 450 million rounds of .40 cal. Hollow Point? They must know something that we don't.
March 17 at 9:52pm ? Like
Sledge My First thought was of the Katyn Forest.
Katyn forest massacre (卡廷森林大屠杀)

Katyn forest massacre (卡廷森林大屠杀)
The Katyń massacre, also the Katyń Forest massacre (Polish: zbrodnia katyńska, '...See More
March 17 at 10:09pm ? Like ?

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline Treaded

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2012, 11:16:56 PM »
Sledge - don't feel bad.  Mine had me calling big sis an asshat (I wonder which list that got me put on).

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2012, 11:28:52 PM »
Sledge - don't feel bad.  Mine had me calling big sis an asshat (I wonder which list that got me put on).

I'm thinking it's probably a good thing we aren't friends on FB.  I probably would have clicked "Like" on your link.  LOL!

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2012, 06:32:50 AM »
Since I have never, and will never have a FB account.....Could someone explain specifically what's going on?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 06:37:40 AM by special-k »
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2012, 08:57:04 AM »
Since I have never, and will never have a FB account.....Could someone explain specifically what's going on?

Most of the comments I read on the DHS  FB page were negative.

When you go on their page FB recognizes you and puts up any posts you or anyone you've friended at the top of the page for you to see.   Not really a big deal.  It's not permanent on the page.  It's just there for you to look at.

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2012, 09:56:49 AM »
Sledge that's not the only part of it.  Notice that some of the comments contain NO direct reference to DHS nor were posted on the DHS page.   

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2012, 10:15:56 AM »
Sledge that's not the only part of it.  Notice that some of the comments contain NO direct reference to DHS nor were posted on the DHS page.   

LOL!  Are you insinuating that FB is pointing at people and saying, "Hey DHS, Look at them, look at them!"  I hope FB's stock goes down to a nickel.

Frig them.   I don't really care if DHS looks at me.  I mean fair is fair.  Because I'm damn sure looking at them.  And as concerned as they seem to be about what people are saying about them I must not be the only one looking at them.

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2012, 01:34:34 PM »
Looks like I got off FB at just the right time.

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2012, 01:43:35 PM »
Honestly, this is the primary reason why I disagree with EJR and GAP when they talk about reaching out to the Occupy movement and whatnot. I've lost all faith in reaching out to those who are either asleep, or awake but moving in the opposite direction. They are a lost cause. I "share" lots of stuff of FB, interesting and/or important news stories, but rarely to I waste my time writing on there. Very few people give a shit bro. It's sad, but it's reality.

That isn't what I was saying at ALL NOLA.  If you missed what I was saying, its because you immediately shut out any type of objective thought the moment that you heard the word Occupy, probably due to some emotional feeling that you've developed over many months of media, friends, family and the government drilling that Occupy is completely useless and abhorrent for so long into your brain.

You weren't listening, or in this case reading.  Your prejudices have blinded your objectiveness and have robbed you of your mind. 

I didn't say we could or even would try to CHANGE the Occupier's minds or get them invovled in some freedom movement, I said you could infiltrate them and USE THEM for your purposes.  Like a CIA officer developing an asset to USE for their purposes.

There is a big freaking difference between what you are portraying what I was saying, and WHAT I actually said.  Actually what I have said.  I won't take responsibility for GAPs words. 

Its the same BS that I just dealt with with OON.  You guys can't READ what I actually write, whether its because you are blinded by your own prejudices or paradigm of arguments, but you all fail to read what I actually write, and remain objective.  Its completely frustrating to be taken out of context and misrepresented like you are doing. 

You may need to go back and re-read what I wrote on the Occupy Movement.  Not GAPs words, but MY WORDS.  Those are the only ones that I am responsible for. 

Also, please don't lump GAP and I together like we are one person.  We are not, and we BOTH have very different thoughts, opinions, we both experienced and viewed the PATCON in very different ways, just by being two different people, with two different sets of experiences, states of minds, and Point of Views. 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 01:46:05 PM by EJR914 »

Offline NOLA556

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2012, 01:45:53 PM »
Honestly, this is the primary reason why I disagree with EJR and GAP when they talk about reaching out to the Occupy movement and whatnot. I've lost all faith in reaching out to those who are either asleep, or awake but moving in the opposite direction. They are a lost cause. I "share" lots of stuff of FB, interesting and/or important news stories, but rarely to I waste my time writing on there. Very few people give a shit bro. It's sad, but it's reality.

  Your prejudices have blinded your objectiveness and have robbed you of your mind. 

LOL ::)
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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2012, 01:48:16 PM »
Well NOLA, would you rather me take the other possible approach, which is that its your reading comprehension which is lacking, which has come to you completely misrepresenting and falsefully stating my opinion on infiltrating the Occupy Movement?

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2012, 01:58:31 PM »
no bro  ::) - is because you freak out over someone saying they disagree with you and then write a novel for a response sounding like Mel Gibson from Braveheart.

I have no quarrel with you bro. even if I did misunderstand your stance on that OWS thing, I still disagree even with "infiltrating" them. I think it's a waste of time. that's my opinion. nbd right?
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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2012, 02:10:24 PM »
no bro  ::) - is because you freak out over someone saying they disagree with you and then write a novel for a response sounding like Mel Gibson from Braveheart.

I have no quarrel with you bro. even if I did misunderstand your stance on that OWS thing, I still disagree even with "infiltrating" them. I think it's a waste of time. that's my opinion. nbd right?

That's fine, its not disagreeing, its when someone completely mis-represents what I say.  We're all fine to disagree.  I understand there is always a lot of disagreeing going on when someone first presents a radical proposal.  It might be a waste of time, but we will never know unless we try.

If it turns out to be a failure, I'll be the first one to come here and tell you what a failure it was, and how we need to try something else.

I do find your defeatist attitude a bit disconcerting, but its all good, bro.  Just keep fighting the good fight.

"Any stool in a bar fight," are good words to live by, and I'm grabbing at every bar stool I can find, that I think can work, because believe it or not, we are in a fight right now.  One which I believe is a fight to the death, literally.

I'm sorry that you can't possibly imagine what benefit a freefor operation could gain, from studying the organizing techniques of Occupy, their tactics, or from having a bunch of monkeys run around, blocking traffic, tying up LEO resources for days.  If you cannot see the benefit or value that could be gained from something like that, then I could not possibly help you see it. 

To edit:  NOLA, if you don't like my Mel Gibson Braveheart speeches don't fucking read them, see I posted it, and just move on, but don't sit there and misrepresent everything that I write, like you actually objectively sat there and read my post.  Its completely frustrating. 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 02:20:18 PM by EJR914 »

Offline rah45

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2012, 03:52:33 PM »
@ Treaded: I did not know about the DHS friend activities. I only had one on there...and it was Sledge's post. LOL

I had considered how controversial it was after I finished but before I posted. I think it's worth it to stimulate thought. I've already posted similar, if somewhat less blatant, posts addressing similar subjects, both on FB and L&L and Thanks for the concern, though.  ;)

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2012, 04:04:11 PM »

Offline Treaded

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2012, 04:28:52 PM »
@ Treaded: I did not know about the DHS friend activities. I only had one on there...and it was Sledge's post. LOL

I had considered how controversial it was after I finished but before I posted. I think it's worth it to stimulate thought. I've already posted similar, if somewhat less blatant, posts addressing similar subjects, both on FB and L&L and Thanks for the concern, though.  ;)

I'm going on a little rant here so hang with me for a sec-

You know it gets to a point where you know you're on enough lists to not really care anymore.  I was on lists before there was a DHS ;) They know who I am so frankly I don't really care.  But for those that have lived clean I advise them against posting this kind of stuff in the wild.  I'm more of an advocate of working in meatspace when it comes to the Tribe. 

I'll feed you some honest truth here:  The .gov believes that anyone who opposes their little artificial oligarchy is a menace to them.  The current administration wants to vilify ANYONE that opposes their blatant marxist progressive dem agenda.  And they use entities like the SPLC (who has admitted it doesn't even bother addressing the radical left) funded by taxpayer $ to further that message. The OWS kids are "useful idiots" in their campaign.  Seriously - why the fuck would a president support them and state he's against huge corporate profits while charging 35k a plate at a campaign dinner?   Don't get me wrong - the OWS kids are exercising their 1st amendment rights and although I totally disagree with their message and think the majority of them are truly "useful idiots" I support their right to do so.  Look at the organizations that support OWS - labor-unions, the freaking Communist party, the democratic party, the list goes on. 

Don't believe me?  Think about this.  During the Clinton admin the word "militia" became a dirty word.  Now they're pushing for "Constitutionalists" and "Patriot" to be dirty words and succeeding.  Answer this one:  twenty years ago the phrase "Patriot Group" was used to describe organizations like the VFW, Daughters of the American revolution, etc.  Now they use it as a phrase for "domestic terrorist groups". 

Study history - and look at the Communist manifesto.  It's being fulfilled right here in our country.

/rant off
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 04:30:32 PM by Treaded »

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2012, 05:10:07 PM »
@ Treaded: I did not know about the DHS friend activities. I only had one on there...and it was Sledge's post. LOL

Ahhh, seeing as you are a young guy with young kids maybe you don't want to be reposting things that I say or post.  Just saying.  Just because I don't give a crap doesn't mean that you shouldn't.  I don't recall anyone ever saying that I had a lick of common sense.  Do you recall it?  Nope?  Didn't think so.  :)

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: Attempt to use Facebook to inspire critical thinking.
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2012, 05:13:46 PM »

I like that, it might be time to change my icon.   ;D