no bro
- is because you freak out over someone saying they disagree with you and then write a novel for a response sounding like Mel Gibson from Braveheart.
I have no quarrel with you bro. even if I did misunderstand your stance on that OWS thing, I still disagree even with "infiltrating" them. I think it's a waste of time. that's my opinion. nbd right?
That's fine, its not disagreeing, its when someone completely mis-represents what I say. We're all fine to disagree. I understand there is always a lot of disagreeing going on when someone first presents a radical proposal. It might be a waste of time, but we will never know unless we try.
If it turns out to be a failure, I'll be the first one to come here and tell you what a failure it was, and how we need to try something else.
I do find your defeatist attitude a bit disconcerting, but its all good, bro. Just keep fighting the good fight.
"Any stool in a bar fight," are good words to live by, and I'm grabbing at every bar stool I can find, that I think can work, because believe it or not, we are in a fight right now. One which I believe is a fight to the death, literally.
I'm sorry that you can't possibly imagine what benefit a freefor operation could gain, from studying the organizing techniques of Occupy, their tactics, or from having a bunch of monkeys run around, blocking traffic, tying up LEO resources for days. If you cannot see the benefit or value that could be gained from something like that, then I could not possibly help you see it.
To edit: NOLA, if you don't like my Mel Gibson Braveheart speeches don't fucking read them, see I posted it, and just move on, but don't sit there and misrepresent everything that I write, like you actually objectively sat there and read my post. Its completely frustrating.