Adams, Johnson, Roosevelt (Teddy), Wilson, Johnson, Nixon, Carter come to mind. They all tried to reigned as dictators, incompetence boobs or as despots.
Our President; Mr. Obama, trumps them all. Maybe it's due to the 24/7 media coverage.
With that said, comparing President Obama to Presidents before him is a poor argument as we live in the now and should not compare him to past Presidents. Today we have 24/7 media coverage. Even as long ago as Clinton we did not.
President Obama and his administration is corrupt. Lets focus on the now and what our President has done since he has been in office or his minions have done - The list is endless:
> Benghazi
> Fast & Furious
> IRS/Tea Party scandal
> The affordable Care Act
> NSA Expansion from the Bush White house
To name a few.
Again, we are steering from my original question: What is President Obama or his administration going to do now? November 2013...