Author Topic: Apple Inc. Takes Down Glenn Beck 3,300 Podcasts  (Read 1251 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Apple Inc. Takes Down Glenn Beck 3,300 Podcasts
« on: August 17, 2023, 09:30:39 AM »
Some background, yesterday at about 1200E hrs. Apple Inc. took down all of Glenn Beck's (the Blaze) podcasts. Approximately 3,300. Beck went onto Twitter and asked theBlaze subscribers to write to Apple demanding that the podcasts be returned to his library. By 1500E hrs. 1,915 of the podcasts were returned to his library.

In a video posted to X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday, Beck said that roughly 1,900 episodes of his show ? The Glenn Beck Program ? were removed from the Apple Podcasts platform without explanation.

?All of my podcasts have been removed from Apple/iTunes with no explanation,? Beck posted. - Breitbart

Apple claimed that there was a copyright infringement so they removed all podcasts. In fact, there was one podcast, back in June, that there was a issue with. To add to this drama, the actual podcast in question was addressed the same day back in June, and fully resolved.

Just my opinion, Glenn Beck/theBlaze is being "Trumped". To be Trumped is to have ones First Amendment rights being stripped away. 

Yesterday Trump.
Today Beck.
Tomorrow you.
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Apple Inc. Takes Down Glenn Beck 3,300 Podcasts
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2023, 10:43:42 AM »
    Gee, imagine that.  The First Amendment has been slowly deteriorating over the past 30 years or so.  I guess folks are finally noticing.  I first noticed it when the MSM started writing about "hate" speech, and how the liberals were whining about getting their feelings hurt.  My thought then, as it is now, is that "Free" speech means free speech, without any encumbrances.  "Hate" speech is just speech, nothing special about it, as such, it should be protected by the First Amendment.

    I was raised under the general rule, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."   Words are words, it's up to people on how they're going react to them.  Beck's podcasts are being removed, but the thoughts behind them are still there.  The government is actively using propaganda to control our thoughts and actions.  Anyone with opposing thoughts will soon be shuffled away to internment camps.  Those midnight raids are coming.  We are still at the beginning of the American Mess.

Offline Felix

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Re: Apple Inc. Takes Down Glenn Beck 3,300 Podcasts
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2023, 09:28:52 PM »
Keep the sheeple fed, entertained with circuses (or at least totally connected with "smart phone" and "texting"... a depot can get away with quite a lot.   Especially when (like with our own institutions), the organs of "justice", surveillance and enforcement are subverted.   A partnership with the propaganda trades never hurts.   Current social/economic conditions offered as Exhibit "A", Your Honor...
But invariably, the despot takes absolute, corrupted power for granted.    And that's when failure to account for sheeple discontent creeps in.    IOWs there are "natural limits" to how far and how badly a despot can screw the serfs over before "blow back" rears its head.
Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, unavailable for comment.
Will it have to get that bad before the rubber band snaps?
Maybe.   Who knows?