Author Topic: A billionaire pretty much nails it  (Read 704 times)

Offline crudos

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A billionaire pretty much nails it
« on: May 18, 2012, 06:45:33 PM »
Heard this while flipping around the radio on my way home from work. The premise in this short presentation is that the rich are not the job creators, instead it's us and the companies who make the things we buy. This coming from the venture capitalist of all people. Anyway, thought it was mildly interesting and thought I share it here with my SP brothers and sisters.

Offline Treaded

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 08:37:21 PM »
Good presentation with some basic truths about supply and demand in relation to business.  What he fails to address is the fact that as taxes increase so do prices to preserve profit margin.  After all why the hell is someone in business anyway?  To make a profit.  Folks a lot of those "gee whiz" liberal ideals ignore the most basic business ideal - if you're not making a profit you don't need to be in business.  And if prices can't be raised to preserve profit due to the pain threshold of the consumer then those jobs will do one of three things - selectively go away (fewer people on the payroll as long as productivity is maintained), pay less or incur decreased benefits, or be outsourced completely.  In every instance the end burden is shouldered by the workforce.  If the prices beyond the pain threshold of the consumer we end up with inflation and the consumers dollar buys less ergo there is less demand. 

And while the democratic party seems to believe that business and the rich should be responsible for supporting the ship of socialism they completely ignore the very simple requirement that you must preserve your source of income to get those socialist ships floating and once floating they need the fuel of capitalism to maintain their vote farms

For the record investment bankers are the sleaziest people on the planet that will lie even faster than cops and recruiters.

/rant off


Offline EJR914

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2012, 09:45:52 PM »
Good presentation with some basic truths about supply and demand in relation to business.  What he fails to address is the fact that as taxes increase so do prices to preserve profit margin.  After all why the hell is someone in business anyway?  To make a profit.  Folks a lot of those "gee whiz" liberal ideals ignore the most basic business ideal - if you're not making a profit you don't need to be in business.  And if prices can't be raised to preserve profit due to the pain threshold of the consumer then those jobs will do one of three things - selectively go away (fewer people on the payroll as long as productivity is maintained), pay less or incur decreased benefits, or be outsourced completely.  In every instance the end burden is shouldered by the workforce.  If the prices beyond the pain threshold of the consumer we end up with inflation and the consumers dollar buys less ergo there is less demand. 

And while the democratic party seems to believe that business and the rich should be responsible for supporting the ship of socialism they completely ignore the very simple requirement that you must preserve your source of income to get those socialist ships floating and once floating they need the fuel of capitalism to maintain their vote farms

For the record investment bankers are the sleaziest people on the planet that will lie even faster than cops and recruiters.

/rant off

Good post, I see you have a very good understand of how economics and a business is run in the real world.   [URL=

Offline Treaded

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2012, 10:16:39 PM »
Third generation family service based business.  I know all too well the pains .gov is inflicting on business be it large or small.

Offline NOLA556

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2012, 11:04:03 PM »
treaded, you are so dead on it makes me sick. businesses, whether big or small, aren't in business to lose money. this is the essence of the FALLACY of "corporate taxes". there's no such thing. every expense is passed down to the end consumer. a sad reality that liberals ignore. every time the government imposes a new tax or costly regulation onto a corporation and/or industry, guess who foots the bill? THE END CONSUMER! really not so much of a mystery if you just sit and think about it for 2 seconds.
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Offline tominphx

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2012, 03:49:09 AM »
ALL taxation is just legislated theft.

At the very least, a flat tax rate, the same for everyone, is the only even remotely acceptable solution, since anything else violates the principle that government should treat all citizens equally under the law.
It's better to have it and not need it ...

Offline RS762

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2012, 10:59:48 AM »
ALL taxation is just legislated theft.

At the very least, a flat tax rate, the same for everyone, is the only even remotely acceptable solution, since anything else violates the principle that government should treat all citizens equally under the law.


Offline EJR914

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2012, 05:15:52 AM »
ALL taxation is just legislated theft.

At the very least, a flat tax rate, the same for everyone, is the only even remotely acceptable solution, since anything else violates the principle that government should treat all citizens equally under the law.

+1  [URL=

Offline EJR914

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Re: A billionaire pretty much nails it
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2012, 05:16:09 AM »
treaded, you are so dead on it makes me sick. businesses, whether big or small, aren't in business to lose money. this is the essence of the FALLACY of "corporate taxes". there's no such thing. every expense is passed down to the end consumer. a sad reality that liberals ignore. every time the government imposes a new tax or costly regulation onto a corporation and/or industry, guess who foots the bill? THE END CONSUMER! really not so much of a mystery if you just sit and think about it for 2 seconds.
