Author Topic: 559 lbs of Explosives stolen from Forest Service facility near Red Lodge  (Read 488 times)

Offline sledge

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In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline thatGuy

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Offline Reaver

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Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.

Offline thatGuy

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Let's turn this unfortunate theft into a civic minded learning experience. 

As we've seen time and time again that the Feds aren't very good at securing our property, which is a shame because all that kabloowie may well be in the hands of a small child. The point is, they need our help. We need to locate those assets, mark them and make it part of our regular patrols.

With regular patrol schedules we can help them maintain security by identifying weakness' like holes in the fence, blind approaches and the routes of egress that a thief could use.

Taking note of cheap locks, burned out bulbs and overgrown bushes can go along way to keeping dangerous explosives our of the hands of American children.

After all its about keeping the kids safe. 


Offline Kentactic

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Let's turn this unfortunate theft into a civic minded learning experience. 

As we've seen time and time again that the Feds aren't very good at securing our property, which is a shame because all that kabloowie may well be in the hands of a small child. The point is, they need our help. We need to locate those assets, mark them and make it part of our regular patrols.

With regular patrol schedules we can help them maintain security by identifying weakness' like holes in the fence, blind approaches and the routes of egress that a thief could use.

Taking note of cheap locks, burned out bulbs and overgrown bushes can go along way to keeping dangerous explosives our of the hands of American children.

After all its about keeping the kids safe. 

Simplicity Is Ideal...

Offline sledge

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Let's turn this unfortunate theft into a civic minded learning experience. 

As we've seen time and time again that the Feds aren't very good at securing our property, which is a shame because all that kabloowie may well be in the hands of a small child. The point is, they need our help. We need to locate those assets, mark them and make it part of our regular patrols.

With regular patrol schedules we can help them maintain security by identifying weakness' like holes in the fence, blind approaches and the routes of egress that a thief could use.

Taking note of cheap locks, burned out bulbs and overgrown bushes can go along way to keeping dangerous explosives our of the hands of American children.

After all its about keeping the kids safe. 

Anything for the kids!

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco