What a coincidence, I went to my Doctor for my 6 month checkup and we discussed the coming economic collapse. He mentioned to me that I was going to get about an 8% raise after the first of the year. I told him that I almost wish I wasn't going to get it because its just going to raise my income taxes. I often give him a 1 oz. Silver round and tell him to hold on to it because he's going to need it at some point. Over the years, I've gotten him to start preparing for what's coming. Yesterday, I told him for the Hundreth time that he should start Silver Stacking. He actually seemed to start becoming interested in it. I had to explain SPOT and PREMIUM. Spot being the price and Premium being the dealers profit. Then I told him that he really should start stacking but it might be a bit too late now because most dealers can't seem to get any physical Silver because their orders are backed up about 1 to 3 months. My plan to survive is not to work because I'm just too damned old, but I plan to trade for what I need using my Silver, trading Two Way Radios(mostly UV5R's), Vegie Seeds, Ammo, some of my extra Over The Counter Meds, and anything else that I have extras of. I even have several of those puny Solar Panels that can be used to recharge Cell Phones if the Cell Towers are actually still working.