Yup, it looks like the U.S. Treasury Rate has
climbed 88% or 129 Bpnts (Basis points) from one year ago (1.47% Vs. 2.76%). Friday the rate was 2.61%.
http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/bond/10_yearThis is a tell tale sign that borrowed money interest rates are going to start to climb. What does this mean?
> CPI inflation climbing along with real inflation
> Mortgage and Credit Card rates climbing
> Small business loans more pricy = less profit unless prices of services or goods goes up
> PM (Precious Metals) prices climb
> Bear market is coming
Why should we care? It is a tell tale sign of the future economy. If the 10 year U.S. Treasury rate climbs to fast like 50 - 100 Bpnts on the average over a six month period; this does not bode well for the economy. A steady 5 - 10 Bpnt raise on the average over a six month period is OK.
Just another tool for us to use to gauge the strength or weakness of the economy.