Author Topic: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.  (Read 1793 times)

Offline v0dka

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"militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« on: November 02, 2011, 09:47:12 AM »

Just what we need more morons bad mouthing the militia. Funny thing is they should of let him make the ricin. Making 10 pounds without a lab would most likely kill you.
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Offline sledge

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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 10:26:16 AM »
Frigging idiots.  Notice they were all in their 60's and 70's.  Some of the militia's are a little out there and all it does is provide the Government with more excuses to clamp down on our freedoms. 

Most of these arrests, like the Hutaree, are sting operations where the FBI comes up with the plans and looks for idiots to sign on.  I'm not sure about this one.  Sounds like Thomas was off the deep end with his comment "There is no way for us, as militiamen, to save this country, to save Georgia, without doing something that's highly, highly illegal. Murder."

It boggles my mind that these nut jobs aren't intelligent enough to see that our Government is going to collapse under it's own weight as every other empire has done to itself.  I guess the Government doesn't have the market cornered on nut jobs. 


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Offline rah45

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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2011, 10:53:45 AM »
Wow. I didn't even know about ricin until now.  ???


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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2011, 11:26:31 AM »
Ricin is nasty stuff, horrible way to die, no antidote once it's in your system. Something seems odd about this, not just the age of the suspects but the choice of random victims of such an attack chosen by these individuals and the stupidity of delivery. I wonder if this will remain in the news or will disappear along with further details.

Offline rah45

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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2011, 11:29:01 AM »
A guy I'm talking to, who is affiliated with a militia here in Georgia, says that he didn't know them, but that he believes the Feds may be pushing buttons, possibly until they get to a false flag situation. He thinks it might be a Hutaree situation, with trumped-up charges that may get the those men released. We'll see.


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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2011, 12:37:02 PM »
Maybe they're former members of the Weather Underground? Those guys were bombing stuff all the time back in the early 70s.

Offline rah45

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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2011, 12:45:45 PM »
Interesting theory, CrystalHunter. If they were, I'm sure the media will scoop up that little jewel of journalism goodness. We'll hear all about how the Weather Underground members could still be involved in a militia movement or something.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 09:37:18 AM by rah45 »

Offline NOLA556

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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2011, 01:28:57 PM »
my gut instinct is to call bullshit. of course, there's really no way to know for sure so I can't go right ahead and do that. but my thought process is this: who here on this site knows ANYONE who calls theirself a patriot, cares about the state of their country.. maybe even militia affiliated.. who would target random civilians? I don't even know anyone who would kill ANYONE, much less random innocent people. I know that there's people out there who are sick enough to do stuff like that, but isn't it funny how the FBI always seems to have their nose in these things BEFORE these supposed "attacks" take place. whether it's radical muslims, or supposed "right wing extremists", they're ALWAYS involved in some kind of way.

here's an example: that Jared Laughner guy. I'm pretty sure that he was a legit wacko. He went off the deep end, grabbed a gun, and went out to do his deeds. Same with VT, Columbine.. etc. my point is, when real wackos get together to make "plans", I find it hard to believe that the FBI is just THAT good that it can detect these tiny little groups of wannabe's before they attack.

just like it was stated in one of the above posts, the FBI is the ones making these plans and goes and searches for idiots to sign onto it. people who are otherwise most likely too dumb or wacked out to ever carry out such terrible things on their own.
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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2011, 03:18:37 AM »
Those guys are idiots if what is said is true, we'll see how much of this actually pans out. 

Offline tominphx

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Re: "militia" planned ricin and other attacks.
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2011, 07:28:41 AM »
The funny thing is, the people who will really pull some major shit, are several things. They are patient, they are competent, and, most importantly, they are discrete. They won't go running their mouths off. When someone goes around telling the world about crimes they committed or will commit, people in law enforcement call that a "clue".  It's the same thing with thugs on the facespace and the mybook showing off pics of their drugs, while holding likely stolen, guns.

If you're going to do something illegal, don't tell anyone who doesn't absolutely need to know.

When the patient, competent, and discrete decide to pull some major shit, we will know about it AFTER it's already happened, and we won't know exactly who did it.

Also, ricin? What is this, the KGB? What will they try next, a little ammonium nitrate mixed with diesel oil? That's so 90s.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 07:30:25 AM by tominphx »
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