Author Topic: "2014: Year of Pivotal Change"  (Read 738 times)

Offline crudos

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"2014: Year of Pivotal Change"
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:12:12 PM »
I subscribe to the daily Coast to Coast AM (The old Art Bell radio show) email list. This was a write-up of the guest from last night. I thought this was some real food for thought in this turned-up-to-11 hyper-partisanship so prevalent in today's society.

On Sunday night's program, John B. Wells was joined by futurist and author David Brin , who discussed how 2014 might be the real start of the 21st Century and how the planet may be on the cusp of a brighter future. He noted that, in the last 60 years, violence has "plummeted every decade," despite how it is portrayed in the media.  In fact, he argued that the relentless depiction of violence, as well as poverty, has fueled the public to "feel bad" about these issues and take steps to improve them. He also credited the sacrifices of the "Greatest Generation" for helping to create the wealth which allowed subsequent generations to be able to focus on solving social issues. Reflecting on the journey of the human race over the last sixty years, Brin marveled that, despite humanity's foibles, "we are capable of beginning to get things right."     

That said, he warned that "self-righteous indignation" has become an addiction that is gripping America and is worse that "heroin, cocaine, and alcohol combined."  Brin explained that the thrill derived from being sanctimonious was beneficial in previous years when warfare was more commonplace, but has become crippling to the psyche of the modern population and has given rise to an "outrage industry" which fuels political polarization.  "If you're constantly returning to the sense of pleasure that you get from being so right," he cautioned, "there is a real chance that you're a junkie." He blamed this paradigm for causing the death of negotiation and the inability to spawn conversations about problems which "could easily be solved if we just talked to each other."

One positive aspect of this institutionalized self-righteousness, he said, is that "you create an atmosphere of suspicion of authority" which can lead to whistleblowers speaking out against what they see as unjust actions by the government.  Regarding recent whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning, Brin observed that most of their revelations were of actions that were actually not illegal, but spawned discussion over "whether or not these things should be legal." Ultimately, he pointed to such conversations, aimed at finding a middle ground, as the key to overcoming the obstacles which still challenge the country.  Brin suggested that listening and acknowledging the opposite viewpoints of our political adversaries could lead to a society where people realize that "it's a complicated world and we're going to have to guard each other's backs." 

I've given up on the daily screed from conservative entertainment complex all over my radio. I rarely ever watch any kind of political commentator on tv anymore. Feel there is little factual information given out, but rather it's coated, and manipulated to manufacture outrage against whatever this weeks target is. Who needs the truth, when you can get propagandize the audience however TPTB (BIG Gov/Big Corp) see fit? Thoughts?

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: "2014: Year of Pivotal Change"
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 04:56:41 PM »
Mr. Brin's comments are interesting and to a degree I agree. One example is Face Book.

I very seldom go to FB anymore and when I do I very seldom post anything. IMO, it has become a catalyst of hate by both sides and it so easy to spew out hate anonymously. I also think that many of us are infants when using mass-media. That is not meant to be a insult to anyone as well have to learn to crawl before we walk...Run.

On the other hand, not all folks who use mass-media are hate mongers or show "self-righteous indignation."  As an example I hold up the folks on this forum. When that kind of crap starts we are all pretty fast to put it down. Im applaud you all for making this forum yours.

I also think what is in part driving the "hyper-partisanship" is that the "silent majority" are not being listened too. Add to that stew the spices & vegetables of; Inflation, unemployment, a push-back of Judeo Christian values, erosion of the middle class, real challenges to the Bill of Rights by the government we willing give money too to function as a nation, etcetera. So when that stew is fully cooked we get "hyper-partisanship" and hate mongering from all sides.

My fear is things are going to get worst before they get better.

Good thought provoking post Crudos!  :thumbsUp:
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