The guys got some big stones on him. RESPECT. I hope he keeps going as long as he can. The world needs brave souls who arent afraid stand up and show the truth. Yes i know he did put out some info that could have led to service members being harmed. But you dont take that oath thinking your gonna get to live a long safe life. And yes im sure JA is a bit of a douch bag. But he refuses to be scilenced.
have you, or anyone you know, actually seen any of the stuff that he leaked? (I haven't). I can only rely on hearsay, from sources such as RT and old AJ.. (lol).. but supposedly there were very few documents that would have put any soldiers in danger.
supposedly the vast majority of the documents leaked were internal State Dept. stuff that revealed alot of small scale scandals and whatnot. like I said, I haven't seen any of the documents in question, but I also wouldn't put it past my government to hide behind the TROOPS (who they obviously care SO much about) to prevent internal scandals from coming to light.
just my .02
many folks agree with goons like Hannity and O'Reilly and think he should be hanged. I think he's a hero.
I hear quite a bit of hard talk from alot of people about restoring our republic and our constitution, but when someone has the balls to stand up and be defiant, those same hard talking folks turn into little sheep again. all worried about the good men 'n women over in the sandbox "protectin yer freedums".
In no way am I trying to trash talk the troops. Just pointing out hypocrisy where I see it.