Good calls so far for the most part. A couple things to remember are that with the weapons, you are dealing with a band of folks from all walks of life, legal and not, and not necessarily from Mass. originally. So no telling where all of the weapons are coming from. I completely agree with the fire discipline... annoying to watch but they are fighting a superior force with little to no training depending on the player.
As to the specialty rounds, they only made a small amount of them back in S1 and probably used MOST of them up during that final battle or shortly there after. They are also on the run, so scrapping mechs for metal probably isn't a high priority. Especially considering that they are mobile and probably lacking in the equipment to make the rounds. They have also been using AT weapons on the mechs so far, but allude to their limited number in the second episode.
According to the story, most of the military would have been taken out so you are seeing more along the lines of militia forces. So gear would be mostly old surplus or even homemade stuff with only a little Molle. Of course we are also only following one group of the human resistance, not that there are many left. There was probably a lot of gear lost during the first months of the attack, especially with the "nuking" of certain cities in the storyline. This along with the breakdown of mass transport of gear/goods would reduce the amount of gear available, hence more what you see currently in the show.
One good thing is that shows like this help get the sleeping thinking about what could happen in a SHTF situation and gives people like us something to talk about lol.