* Possible Spoiler *
I think the old man, the bible thumper guy. Has the little girl. With the mind set of molding her. I think that she sent his daughter off to mate also for the purpose of starting over.
All prayer like.
If its true. I think his mind is right, and he's doing it for a more noble cause. But I think he's going about it the wrong way.
That could also be why he wants the others to be on there way. Because they are already set in their ways, with their own religion and beliefs.
-Side note- Don't you guys find it strange that they don't have any protection...and really don't want it.
Please respect that I don't want guns on my farm. (me) " Well, sir I guess I'll be sleeping out side your property line then "
No way I'd be sleeping in a tent, without my protection with me, out of respect. Fuck you.
Don't you guys find it strange that they never really encounter any walkers on the property? I find that kind of odd.