Please everyone watch this trailer. First of all I think it looks BAD F***in ASS and I cannot wait to see it. And yet... Wow... simply wow. I am a fan of GI Joe and have been since I was a kid. Just from what is shown in the trailer, I can't decide if this movie is meant to be a warning to people or to lull them into thinking that since it happened in a movie it can't be really happening. What you see, google or ask if you don't know what Im talking about:
Insect drone swarm
A government turning against those who serve
The creation or revealing of an organization which is claimed to be for the protection of the people but really are there to Enslave and rule over them
Terror/murder carried out by the same people.
You also see the Joe's standing up for what's right and not bowing or walking away from the injustice.
As for me and where I stand... GO JOES!
EDIT: Sorry bout that, didn't realize I forgot the link! Here ya go!