Author Topic: Deadlands 3000 Post Apoc RPG  (Read 1248 times)

Offline McCragge

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Deadlands 3000 Post Apoc RPG
« on: July 25, 2014, 04:52:39 PM »
Hello everyone, I found your awesome site through Post Apoc Net and I wanted to share with like minded people my Post Apoc RPG. It is a retro 2d style game that can be played from any browser with no downloads and designed to while away the time at work or during bored hours in a bunker waiting for the fallout to settle ;)

Here is a brief synapses of the game:

After the Great Nuclear Cataclysm not much of society has survived, but out of the ashes rises a new menace. One more sinister then any that has come before. Lord Omegron and his Scummer Legions have been gathering strength and conquering the known wastes demanding tribute and obedience at the end of a barrel. Is there no one that can stand up to such a menace, to such evil and vile disregard for human life? The hope for man kind and its future rests with you.... or...

Drop by and peek your head in, registration is quick and easy.
