ERIN Digital & Phone net Tuesday December 3, 2024; Go HERE for Current SOI
Drilling in the military, throughout the world, is standard operating procedure, just as militaries throughout the world particpate in war games in order to evaluate their readiness to respond to threats of war.Many civilian individuals, though, give no thought to drills, or situations, where their response time to a potential threatening situation could be the difference between surviving the threat or becoming simply a statistic. In today?s political world these threats are quite varied, and while there is no way to cover all threat contingencies, if one is not at a minimum considering potential threat contingencies, they very well may simply be overcome by the threats and succumb to them, or, enmass throw themselves at the feet of some dictator wannabe peddling promises of safety in return for their absolute enslavement.Some good references and sites: Here are some additional resources to peruse.Preparing Your FamilySurvival BlogAnonymous - Survival Guide for Citizens in a RevolutionThis is only a drill.
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