Author Topic: Hard Favored Rage by Don Shift  (Read 3494 times)

Offline Jackalope

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Hard Favored Rage by Don Shift
« on: December 13, 2021, 10:08:36 PM »
Hard Favored Rage by Don Shift is an account of law enforcement personnel trying to survive after an EMP strike.  Yeah, another EMP novel.  This one is comparable to One Second After, and Forstchen's book is mentioned within this novel.  Don Shift is a veteran of the Ventura County (California) Sheriff Office, so his law enforcement experience is reflected within the novel.  He seems to have good practical knowledge of firearms, which is displayed throughout his novel.  However, he is lacking in practical knowledge regarding radio communications (he mistakes morse code V for B).

     It's obvious that Shift put in a fair amount of research into the effects of EMP, and his descriptions are very detailed.  The novel isn't a feel good fairy tale, as characters are injured, and some die.  Shift does a good job of examining the ethics and legal questions that would occur after the rule of law breaks down.  Can law enforcement personnel justify raiding stores to obtain supplies needed to keep the "justice" system running?  What defines good and evil?  This novel provides many thought provoking scenarios which makes the reader reflect.  Shift also does a good job of portraying how life will become much more precarious if a SHTF event occurs, and how folks are going to need to act in order to survive.  A lone wolf or even two aren't going to make it, a community is needed in order to provide sufficient security.  Since the book takes place in southern Commiefornia, water plays a big role throughout the novel.  California gun laws are also a major issue, and as we all know, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

     There's lots of action throughout the novel.  Shift does an okay job with characterization, but there are so many characters that at times it's confusing.  The realism in the novel is excellent.  I give Hard Favored Rage 4.5 out of 5 stars, as I noted a few minor grammar and continuity mistakes, which didn't interrupt the flow of the novel, but they should have been caught by proof readers.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Hard Favored Rage by Don Shift
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2021, 08:54:14 AM »
Thanks for the review Jackalope! I wish more folks would post book reviews on UP. Especially, during Christmas time.  :cheers:
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Hard Favored Rage by Don Shift
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2021, 05:57:29 PM »
I'll be doing some more soon.  My to-read book pile is ready to topple over.  I've been purchasing hard copies lately, because I like the feel of real books, and also a concern regarding EMP's, or other long term power interruptions..  I have many non-fiction books to read.  Don Shift has a non-fiction book, titled Suburban Defense, which will probably be among my immediate reads.  There's also a couple of medical books at the top of the pile.  So many books, so little time!