Author Topic: Deep Winter Series by Thomas Sherry  (Read 5085 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Deep Winter Series by Thomas Sherry
« on: April 06, 2019, 12:33:48 PM »
I just finished the third book in Thomas Sherry's Deep Winter.

Book 1, Deep Winter (Rating 4.5),
Book 2, Shattered, (Rating 4.0) and,
Book 3, Remnant. (Rating 3.0)

I thoroughly enjoyed each book with the highest rating going to Book 1, with a 4.5 on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest rating. With that written, each book post Deep Winter was very good and I learned a bunch of good prepping stuff. In fact, I haven't added as much new things to my prepping repertoire since reading Patriot by James Rawles in 2008.

I read the books via Kindle do to cost however, I am going to try and buy used ones so I can highlight things and write notes on the sides of the pages when I reread them. In my opinion, if you can read a book more than once it is a very good book. IF I was to reread the third book, it would be for entertainment not to learn any thing though. Hence the '3.0' rating.

In the Deep Winter series, there was finally a fourth book published titled, Distance by Sherry in 2018, which got mixed reviews. Probably do to the fact that none of the original characters are in the book. It is written from a different perspective and location within the USofA during the same time frame as the first three books. 

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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Deep Winter Series by Thomas Sherry
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2019, 12:54:22 PM »
   I agree with you Johny, Deep Winter is the best of the original trilogy.  I haven't read the fourth book; I didn't know it was published.  Tom Sherry is active on a couple of different forums that I peruse.  He walks the walk.  Anyways, Deep Winter does a great job of imparting the need for stored food and gear.  I wish I could keep around as much building materials as the characters in the book have available, and the books do depict the need for various fasteners.  The trilogy also does a good job of emphasizing the need for precious metals.

    All in all, a great series!