Heya guys, newbie here. Brief run-down on me (just to give you an idea of why I'm here)
18 years USAF. I'm married with 1 youngish (6) son. I'm a long time amateur prepper. I'm up in the central northern midwest (dakotas is about as specific as I'll get), and I (will soon) live in suburbia.
Now to the fun part:
March, 2013: Catastrophic house fire. We lost pretty much everything (preps, equipment, major damage to the weaponry, total loss of structure, currency, etc). We've got an insurance check, but we're stuck in rebuild still.
I'm looking to take a more cohesive, coherent method to my prepping this time. I'm coming into this forum (it was recommended to me) to gather help/advice (help = help with planning on what to get at what point, advice = get this kind of stuff, hold off on that kind of stuff).
I'll bring my experience to the table (its limited, but its there. I've been canning my whole life: some of my earliest memories are of snapping beans for canning. I've been a firearms guy for a LONG time. I've done minor construction, electrical work, minor automotive repair and farming. I have a garden every year but this year (temp housing).)
Looking forward to talking with ya'll.
EDIT: as I'm reading intro posts, I did want to mention: I'm lucky! My extended family doesn't think I'm nuts; they're preppers too.