PREPCOM has been talking about starting this new category (Sorry SK) for a few days now. We decided to do it as we are attracting some new folks to the forum which is great. We have all agreed to reintroduce ourselves too. So here goes...
My family has been involved in prepping starting in ernest in 2004. After a year long search in 2005 my brother & his family and my wife & I purchased 35 acres near the top of a mountain in NE Pennsylvania. Once that happened our prepping took on a new priority and have come a long way in the eight years we have had it. If anybody is interested I will chronicle our journey.
I am first an avid black powder enthusiast and if you want to run something past me on that subject please do so. I know a little bit about vintage tractors and how to fix them. Again if you need some advise drop me a line.
Last I know a bunch of crap about anything that has to do with boats - Be they sail or power. I previously spent 19 years in the boating industry living in Washington State, California, Maryland, Florida and now Rhode Island. I also spent a short stint in Western Canada unbeknownst to the Canadian government; opening up boating stores.
Currently I am unemployed thanks to the current state of affairs. So I am doing odd jobs (Most non-paying) keeping myself busy as I seek out my next challenge.
I encourage all to introduce yourself if you are new or an old timer at the forum.