Author Topic: Greetings from NE Pennsylvania  (Read 8593 times)

Offline FeedingFreedom

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Greetings from NE Pennsylvania
« on: July 01, 2021, 11:41:32 AM »
Hello, been binge reading posts and wanted to join, great community here. I live in northeastern PA, been getting ready for SHTF since about age 10, when I was convinced the Soviets would attack us. Army vet, been into radio since I was a kid, worked as an Emergency Communications professional for a long time plus I've been a Ham for almost 20 years now. I've also done carpentry, been a chef, been an EMT for over 30 years, always trying to learn something new. Feeding Freedom was the name of a live show (guess it'd be called a livestream now) that I did about food, security, and other topics for about 3 years, 3 2-hour shows a week. All before any of the big sites had live streaming. I'm growing a good percentage of our food now, always adding more.

Other stuff I enjoy- competitive shooting, photography, backpacking, beekeeping, woodworking...

Anyway, thanks for having me, hope I can contribute and be an asset.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Greetings from NE Pennsylvania
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 02:02:46 PM »
Welcome FeedingFreedom!

Sitting here doing the 13-Colonies contest. Just have to make a QSO with RI, CT, GB13Col and TM13Col for a sweep.

Unchainedpreppers is made up of a rather eclectic group of folks who's knowledge of prepping and other talents, crosses the whole spectrum.

Thanks for joining Brother. :cheers:

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